

Adam Kump

In Term 4, students will learn about the cultural traditions and language associated with Oktoberfest and Weihnachten (Christmas). They will consolidate their knowledge of the numbers 0 - 30 and work on completing mathematical equations whilst using the German language. As part of the focus on mathematics, the students will complete a topic called ‘Papierflugzeuge’ (Paper Aeroplanes) during which they will measure size, distance and time. Every lesson will include speaking opportunities, interactive songs and games, and teamwork-based tasks. Students will be encouraged to participate in all learning activities and to develop the confidence to apply their personal best language learning efforts at all times.

Performing Arts

Michelle Pezzimenti

In Term 4, students will learn more about musical elements like beat, rhythm, dynamics and tempo. They will explore the names and sounds of various instruments and how they are played. Students will listen to different styles of music to expand their understanding of how sounds are put together and how music is celebrated in different cultures. Students will experiment with a range of different tuned and untuned instruments while learning how to play them appropriately and as part of a team. Students will use their singing voice regularly to learn how to sing new songs in preparation for their upcoming music concert. This will be coupled with learning choreography during rehearsal time for their final performance. This involves developing good listening skills and practising how to work collaboratively with others.

Visual Arts

Grace Tyrrell

In Term 4, students will use a variety of materials and techniques to explore the art forms of printmaking, construction and modelling. They will experience a range of activities to develop their skills in these areas and some artworks will include a foam print, a plasticine scene of an insect in its own habitat, and a clay fish. Specific techniques that will be taught in printmaking, construction and modelling include creating a labelled drawing of a future art piece, using the slip and score joining technique when working with clay, as well as how to press lines into foam at different depths. During Visual Art sessions, students will be given opportunities to share and discuss both their own artwork and that of others. Artists that will be a key focus across the term include Hundertwasser, Anna Barlow and Sue Brown.

Physical Education

Chris Steele

In Term 4, students will focus on refining and consolidating running, dodging and sequenced movement skills with correct action, accuracy and a variety of speeds. Through fitness activities and games, they will engage in moderate to vigorous activities. Students will explain the contribution rules and procedures make to the safe conduct of games and activities and will start to apply these in games. Students will also concentrated on skills specific to cricket, catch ball, poison ball and bob ball.