Classroom News

Preps with Ellen

Exploring Data collection and sorting, we have been charting our findings using picture and bar graphs.  We collected jelly beans and collated them according to our sorting mat which helped us to chart our findings according to colour.



Tennis has recommenced this week. On Tuesday, student ran through some drills with Geoff to refresh their skills from earlier in the year. There was lots of smiles and laughter, and it looked like a lot of fun.

Coco Koala

Coco is excited again to be returning to the classrooms.  She looks forward to rejoining with her friends and extending on her knowledge in Term 4.


Coco has had a lovely time with Ellen at a day spa and is all refreshed from a busy holiday time with the children who attended OSHC.

Class 5/6 with Dave and Mel

Towards the end of last term our students in Mel and Daves classes made storybooks for their Prep buddies.  Here is a sample of these very special books.