
Explore the Learning in Specialists

Physical Education

In preparation for a bike ride to the Dunes in Week 10, the Grade Three students have been completing bike safety lessons in PE. They have been learning how to navigate intersections, roundabouts and what's required to ride safely in a group. Due to the weather on Wednesday two of our classes used the scooter boards inside the gym. 


Archie’s Cardboard Armour 

Raf’s Dogcat Detective 



Grade 6’s have been working hard completing different experiments and learning how to write up an experiment correctly. This week they learnt about density! 


Also there is a fantastic new website just launched:



This is an amazing resource full of information, games, and activities all related to the bluff and our beautiful coastline. An awesome website to look at over the summer break!


Students had fun making up their own versions of the ‘Indonesian Rap’ and performing in front of their classmates. There are some very creative and entertaining performers at BHPS!

We practised our numbers with a favourite game of Battleships!

When the sun was out, we got outside for some games of What’s the Time Mr Wolf and Fruit Salad to finish off our topic on Time!