Making Jesus Real

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."
Jesus gives us peace
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you"
(John 14:27).
Peace is a Fruit of the Spirit. Peacemakers not only live peaceful lives but also try to bring peace and friendship to others, and to preserve peace between God and man. But one cannot give another what one does not possess oneself.
God wants us all to be filled with the blessings of peace and then to pass it on to those who have need of it.
By imitating God's love of man, the peacemakers become children of God.
As is Peacemaker is:
- Gentle natured
- Willing to yield
- Doesn’t judge
- Admits they are wrong
- Says sorry
- Helps solve a conflict
- Uses kind words
- Is not selfish