Office News/School Information

Office Hours
Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
Phone: 0358 211 926
St. Brendan's Primary School Website
Student Absences
Please notify student absences via our Skoolbag App, Phone on 58 211 926 or email us at;
Skoolbag App
Our Skoolbag App is the way we communicate with out families about all and any upcoming information and notices.
Please see instructions below on how to download our App, or alternatively click on the following link, how to download our Schoolbag App.
Late to School
If you are bringing your child late to school, please ensure you sign them in through the Office on our iPad, prior to taking them to class. This will ensure that they are accounted for and not marked absent, ensuring you don't receive an SMS.
Sports Days - Sports Uniforms
Please see below the Sports Days for each Learning Community. Students are to wear their sports uniform on these days commencing next week.
Junior Years (F, 1, 2) Tuesday and Wednesday
Middle Years (3, 4) Wednesday and Thursday
Senior Years (5, 6) Wednesday and Thursday
Our Sports uniform is; St. Brendan's Green Polo, Black shorts, White socks and runners.
Headlice Information
Please find attached information on headlice and how to treat
Medications at School
If your child requires medication at school, a note identifying the child, class, medication name, dosage, and time to be given needs to be sent to the office.
The medication should be in the original container/box and should also have a chemist label on it. All medication is dispensed through the office and is signed off on a medication register.
If the appropriate permission is not sent with the medication, it cannot be given to the student. It is also a good idea to mention to the student’s teacher that there is medication at the Office and what time it is to be given.
Keeping information up to date on Operoo
Parents and Caregivers are reminded to please keep all details for Students and Student Contacts up to date. When changes are made on Operoo, the School Administration are notified and details are updated.
New families who have not submitted profiles for their students are please asked to do this as soon as possible. All permission notes and important notices are sent to families through the Operoo App. Staff have access to details when they are on excursion, camps etc.
School Fees
School Fee Statements are emailed to families monthly. Please see below our Bank account details for Direct Deposits.
School Bank Account details for Direct Deposit payments:
BSB: 083-543 Account Number: 457828668
Bank: NAB Branch: Bendigo
Account Name: St. Brendan's Primary School
If paying school fees via Direct Deposit, please use your Account number or Surname as a reference.
Direct Debit Payments
Families are able to set up a Direct Debit for the payment of School fees. Direct Debits are taken every fortnight.
Please click on the link below to download the application form for your school fees to be Direct Debited.
Please contact the School office on 58 211 926 if you wish to obtain a hardcopy of this form.
There are only 6 fortnights scheduled until the end of Direct Debits for the 2022 year.
- Friday, 16th September
- Friday, 30th September
- Friday, 14th October
- Friday, 28th October
- Friday, 11th November
- Friday, 25th November
Bell Times
8.50am First Bell (music)
8.55am Second Bell
11.00am Lunch (eating time)
11.10am Lunch (second bell)
11.45am End of lunch (first bell/music)
11.50am End of lunch (second bell)
1.50pm Recess (eating time)
1.55pm Recess
2.15pm End of recess (first bell/music)
2.20pm End of recess (second bell)
3.20pm End of Day