World Teachers Day 28th October
This year, World Teachers’ Day is on Friday 28 October. It is an opportunity to say thank you for the incredible contributions teachers make to our community.
We recognise the passion teachers have, and how teaching has extended beyond the classroom to maintain connections through flexible learning.
You can get involved by sending a message of thanks to a teacher who is making, or has made, a positive impact on your life using #thanksvicteachers on social media. Don’t forget to tag the Department of Education and Training (the department) so we can see all your messages.
Head to the department’s World Teachers Day webpage for resources to help you celebrate World Teachers’ Day 2022, including ‘Thank You’ card templates.
Nominate a teacher or principal for an award or recognition
Do you know a teacher or principal who deserves recognition for their hard work?
Teachers and principals across Victoria have taught and supported their communities during bushfires and through a global pandemic. Australian Honours recognise outstanding individuals who have contributed to their community or profession.
It's easy to nominate someone for Australian Honours and it's a great way to recognise their effort, talent and dedication.
To find out more about nominating visit:
Digital Support
Canvas Error 403.
If that is a familiar screen, then I’m hoping what follows is of some support. You’ve likely encountered this screen when trying to access your students work via the link in an email from Canvas? If that is the case, then what’s happening is you end up trying to open a file that you are not signed in to be able to access. It’s not ideal but the best way to access your students work is laid out below and hopefully it will also mean you can start view their work through the links.
- Head to the Surf Coast Secondary College Website
- Click - Online Services
- Click - Canvas
- Click - Canvas Link for Parents/Carers
- Sign in and access the work
After doing this depending on your browser the link should acknowledge you’ve signed in and open, if not I would suggest using the Canvas Parent App on your mobile device or accessing the work directly though the browser.
For more support content in Canvas there is a link to resources provided in the past below and feel free to get in touch, my email is also below.
The page where all past posts are stored is -
Shaun Miller -
~ Shaun Miller | Digital Learning Specialist
Don't forget the E-Conference Webinar - 24 October!
Just a quick reminder about our E-Conference on 24 October, focusing on Relationship based Education. Relationship based Education (RbE) is a philosophy of education that puts relationships at the centre. It was developed by John Hendry OAM based on his 50 years experience as an educator. Relationships that form in the educational environment are the bedrock for everything else that happens. This e-conference is suitable for parents and schools.
Conference speakers
The conference will be opened by the Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins. John Hendry will introduce the concept of Relationship based Education, followed by academic Kristin Reimer speaking on what teachers need to know and how RbE can help. Then we'll hear from teachers and principals who are actually putting RbE into practice. You'll hear how it's been working at Ocean Grove Primary School and Prahran High School. John Hendry has worked with both schools to implement the RbE philosophy, so you can hear how it works 'on the ground'. There will be a chance to ask questions via the Q&A box.
Top row, from left: Natalie Hutchins (Minister for Education), John Hendry OAM, Kristin Reimer PhDBottom row, from left: Scott McCumber (Principal, Ocean Grove Primary School),Andy McNeilly (Mental Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Ocean Grove Primary School), Nathan Chisholm (Principal, Prahran High School), Shannan Roberts (Assistant Principal, Prahran High School)
PV Annual General Meeting
We encourage PV members to participate in the AGM component of the program(12.30-12.55).The Annual Report will be presented at the AGM.
Full program
Download our conference brochure
The conference will be held on Zoom.
Date: 24 October, 10:00am - 1:00pm
The Conference is free but registration is essential.
Our office email address is
BCYF Parenting Education Calendar Term 4
NDIS Victorian Pathway to Post School Life
The National Disability Insurance Agency invites Victorian students living with disability in Years 9 -12, their parents, carers and education professionals, to attend a virtual information session about building skills in preparation for, and paving a pathway to, post-school life. A range of NDIS-funded supports and other assistance to help young people build skills to prepare for their transition, and support them in achieving employment and other goals, post-school will be presented.
Monday, 17 October 2022 7.00pm – 8.30pm (AEDT)
Tuesday 25 October 2022 7.00pm - 8.30pm (AEDT)
Delivered via video-conference using Microsoft Teams. Registrations will close three business days before the event. Two business days prior to the event, details to join the session will be sent from to the email address you provide at registration, so please ensure your registered email address is accurately captured to receive these details.