Uniform and Sun Safety
As the weather changes, we can experience some ‘changes’ in the students’ uniform habits. Recently, with warmer weather arriving we have seen the appearance of non-white undershirts or t-shirts being worn in place of uniform tops. We have also seen an emergence of non-uniform shorts also.
Please ensure that you are up to date with the College uniform policy which can be located on the website here. Please also be aware that PSW uniform suppliers in Geelong also stocks Surf Coast SC uniform if Surf Coast School Stuff is out of stock on any items.
We appreciate your support in ensuring that the students are representing their school in a positive manner in full school uniform at all times.
eScooter – Safety Reminder
The majority of eScooters are illegal vehicles unless being driven on private property and at certain speeds, depending on the model of vehicle. eScooter use in the community continues to be a concern as students travel to and from school. As Principal, at times I am contacted by a member of the public who has had a close call in their car with a young person in a College uniform on an eScooter. The safety of our students is paramount and I am sure a constant concern for families also.
Please ensure that you and your child are aware of the legalities of riding eScooters. Please read this information here on the Victoria Police website.
The College is currently working with local authorities to ensure that our community is properly educated about the legalities and risks. If you have questions about an eScooter that you or your children own, please reach out to the local police to clarify any questions you may have.
Health Measures in Place for Term 4
With changes to the pandemic orders coming into effect as of 11.59pm on Wednesday October 12th, there have been some changes to what is asked of students that may test positive to COVID 19:
- It is strongly recommended that any student that tests positive to COVID 19 isolates for 5 days (7 if they are still symptomatic on day 5). This is also applicable to staff.
- If your child/ren test positive to COVID 19, we still ask that you advise the College via the email. We will still be providing supports via email and Canvas for learning to occur at home if the student is well enough.
- If your child/ren is a household contact, we also still ask that you advise us via the same email above and it is also strongly recommended that they wear a mask and conduct RAT tests during their family member’s isolation period.
- RAT testing kits are still available at the Administration office during normal school hours.
Whilst it is only now strongly recommended to isolate, I am sure that for any illness, be it COVID 19 or not, families appreciate that keeping students at home when they are unwell helps to keep the College environment a safe and hygienic place for learning to occur. We appreciate your support.
Congratulations and Good Luck Year 12 Students
We said farewell to our Year 12 students on their final day of classes on Tuesday October 18th. Our students represented themselves and the College in stellar form, organising some fun activities, dress up days and generally just enjoying each other’s company and that of their teachers. I am very proud that their final days were very much celebratory in nature, and not ‘muck up’ style at all. As a College, we have worked on developing a culture of respect and pride and this was evident in the students’ approach to their final days.
We wish those students sitting their exams for VCE the best of luck and we have faith that you will do your very best and do us and yourselves proud. We wish our VCAL students all the best as they enter into full-time work and many take on apprenticeships.
We are looking forward to the Valedictory Evening on November 17th where we will celebrate their graduations with their families.
Year 12 Final Assembly – Message from the Principal
The following speech was delivered by Mrs Wright to our Year 12 cohort on Monday October 17th at their final celebration assembly.
"Year 12 class of 2022, I strongly believe that your attitude toward life will determine life’s attitude toward us. Whilst this year we have all been so fortunate to reconnect back on site for school for the entire year, this itself has brought us challenges as we readjusted to being together again, developed our learning fitness and got back into the general swing of things. We must recognise that you have entered Year 12 after Year 10 and 11 were disrupted for you. Do not underestimate what you will have learned and got out of this experience even though it will have presented you with challenges.
Everything in life is about your response to life’s challenges and the situations you find yourself in.
But today, we want to focus less on all of the challenges of 2022, and more on all of the wonderful memories that this year has brought, and all of the years of your schooling before it.
This moment in time is not about just your final year of schooling; it is about the journey that you have taken to get here. All 13 years of learning, and growing as people. I hope that you complete your time as a student of Surf Coast Secondary College with so many wonderful memories of each other, your teachers and experiences that you have had along the way that have helped to shape the person that you have become so far.
We will remember you as a group of students that have embraced your role in the community, not just at school but in the wider community. You have also embraced your role in supporting each other; in recognising that this journey is one that you are on together and that nothing in life is really truly just about you.
Today I encourage you to never stop learning. Although you are at the end of your schooling life, you are only in the midst of your learning journeys. Nobody is ever complete. Furthering humanity to be its best requires people to always be open to learning, to collaborate and to further ourselves.
As we part ways with you as you move onto the next stage of your life, armed with priceless knowledge and a mindset ready to push yourselves, you are sure to embark on a life filled with challenges and success. I ask that you follow your dreams and do what makes you happy. Each and every one of you has the power to change the world in some way and you will leave a massive footprint on this Earth whether you like it or not. In your journey through life, I implore you, to please try to make this world a better one.
Your lives have given you this amazing opportunity that is education, which should never be taken in vain. Seize your opportunities wholeheartedly and give everything your all.
I thank you for leaving your positive legacy as students of Surf Coast Secondary College.
I would also like to thank, as I am sure you do, all of your teachers for the hard work and commitment that they have to supporting you. Not only your teachers that have taught you this year, but every year. I am so proud to be the Principal of this wonderful school that you have all been an important part of.
Congratulations today and enjoy your celebrations."
Erin Wright
College Principal