Year 8A Design by Nature Excursion


Friday 28 October

Rocky Trails MTB Schools Competition - Haunted Hill


Tuesday 1 November

CUP DAY - Public holiday


Friday 11 November

Remembrance Day Ceremony


Wednesday 16 November

Junior Leadership Development Camp (16-18)


Friday 18 November

Staff Professional Practice Day - Student Free Day


Monday 21 November

2023 Step Up Program (21 Nov - 2 Dec)


Monday 5 December

Year 7 & 8 End of Year Program (5 - 19)


Friday 16 December

Year 7 & 8 Awards Assembly


Tuesday 20 December

End of Term 4

Australian Basketball Championships

Hi, I’m Corey. As some of you are aware, I just competed in the Under 14 Australian Club Championships.  The tournament ran for 10 days and we had to play number 1 teams in each state, to make it to the next round. 


The atmosphere at the Championships was amazing. Unfortunately, we lost in the semi-final and went to the playoffs for 3rd and 4th place in the country. 


We had a competitive game against Southern district Spartans, but without defensive pressure and teamwork, our team, Kilsyth Cobras fought through the whole game and we ended up winning Bronze and coming 3rd in Australia.

Cody Venville 8G

Year 8 Captains Report

The Year 8’s are getting excited as we get closer to the end of the year. We have fun activities we are looking forward to such as; the Leadership Camp, End of Year Activities and the Remembrance Day Ceremony. 


Right now, we as a year level are working on their Cultural Games in PE and Health. The end result of this game is to get the students to present their Cultural Game to the class. They have to explain and run their game in front of the whole class. We played games like Keenan, Wife Carrying and Kai Wed.


They are also working on their English essay about the ‘Municipal Gum’, which is about a tree that feels that it is the wrong place. But if you were to dig deeper, you will find lines that show you that it is actually about the Aboriginal people.


We have our End of Year activities coming up that students are excited for. They include; Tenpin Bowling and Movie, Ninja Parc, Laser Tag, Fun fields and Train Like a Vixen.

Luci Johnston Atkinson

Year 8 Captain

Design by Nature Excursion 

On Tuesday 18 October, 8A students were challenged to take inspiration from nature, for sustainable design solutions at the Royal Botanical Gardens.