From the Wellbeing Leader

Carly Bergen 

Reconnection Community Afternoon

Please join us for a time of reconnection on Friday 11th November from 3.30-5.30pm. Visit your child/children’s classroom, chat with their teacher and connect as a community. There will be big games on the courts for children to enjoy as you connect with each other. 

Carly Ryan guest visit to our Year 5 and Year 6 children

Last week, the Carly Ryan foundation team visited our Year 5 and Year 6 children to highlight the importance of keeping safe online. Throughout Term 3, I shared a variety of app fact sheets from the Carly Ryan foundation and information of how to ensure your child stays safe whilst using these apps. A few key takeaways from last week’s presentation include:

  • Good privacy settings are imperative to ensure you have control over who is viewing your profile. Googling how to change your privacy setting is an easy way to start
  • Never upload anything with a school logo as this means people know where you/your child is throughout school hours
  • When we accept any terms and conditions, we are allowing apps to track what we search on google and this influences targeted ads
  • is how you are able to report someone who is cyberbullying

We encourage you to have open and honest conversations with your child about staying safe online. There are excellent experts who can support you and your family in these conversations including:

We are here to support you and your family, should you have questions.

Michelle Mitchell: Starting High School webinar

Michelle Mitchell, author of ‘Guys and Girls guide to puberty’ and teen expert has created a special interactive 3-part series to support children with their first day nerves, friendships and all things new.

You! Who? is an online experience for tweens aged 8 – 12, hosted by Michelle Mitchell, and created by a team of awesome people who want the very best for your child. 

For further information, please visit You Who-Starting High School | Michelle Mitchell

Michelle Mitchell and Justin Coulson: Teens, consent and romantic relationships webinar

In this webinar Dr Justin and Michelle Mitchell offer parents and carers insights into what teens need to guide them towards safe relationships. They also to discuss the importance of family values, setting healthy boundaries, consent, dating and helping teens through a regret or heartbreak.

When: Monday November 14th (live recording. A link will be sent after which is yours to keep forever)

Time: 7.00-8.00pm AEST

Cost $25.00

For further information, please visit Teens, consent and romantic relationships | Michelle Mitchell


Carly Bergen | Wellbeing Leader