From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Camping Time

Last week our Year 3 cohort spent two days and overnight at Nunyara campsite in Belair. Congratulations to them for managing the excitement of their first overnight an (mostly) getting a good sleep! These children enjoyed a fantastic camp with team games and some great personal challenges that they managed with their best efforts and great collaboration and encouragement of one another.

As I write this, our Year 6 group are enjoying the challenge of their aquatics camp on the Murray River in Swanport. This camp is non-stop kayaking, sailing, knee-boarding, paddle boarding and skiing for three days. These children learn so much in a short space of time about water safety and handling various watercraft.


Congratulations to the Year 3s and Year 6s for their achievements and thank you to the teaching staff and parent volunteers on these camps who worked tirelessly day and night for our Year 3 and Year 6 children.


Sports Day - Important Information

An email and eform has been sent home to all families this week.  This contained information about the Sports Day timetable, sausage sizzle and other important information.  Please complete the eform regarding early pickup by Tuesday 1st of November.


Leila Mattner | Principal