From the Principal's Desk

Extension of Lockdown

Yesterday the Premier of Victoria, the Hon. Daniel Andrews, announced an extension to Lockdown 6.0 confirming that there will be no return to onsite learning for Term 3. 


This was not the response we were hoping for but in reality, it was the response we all expected. 


Moving forward it is really important to recognize the amazing efforts and resilience shown by all; surviving 18 months of moving in and out of lockdowns (with the uncertainties of the length of the lockdowns). I'm sure that, whether you are a child, parent, teacher and even principal, we have all felt that we are constantly failing at one thing or another.  But as we navigate our way out of our current lockdown we just need to focus on what we have been able to achieve... those small successes,  whether that be at home, at school or at work.  

Adjustments to  our Continous Learning Program: Remote and Flexible Learning

Thank you to all families who took the opportunity to complete our Continuous Learning Program: Remote and Flexible Learning Parent Survey last week.  Your responses provided valuable feedback in determining how closely our program is meeting the needs of children and families as reflected in the Summary Data Pictorial representations below:

The Additional Comment section also provided valuable insight into how our Continuous Learning Program program is being received.


As a staff, we have spent a great deal of time unpacking the data, and while overwhelmingly positive it did highlight the fact that we will never be able to devise a program that suits every family at every level. You only have to look at the Summary Data above to draw the same conclusions.


Having said that we still need to adjust our current program to meet the needs of the time because, as stated earlier, it was initially implemented for a 7-day lockdown, not a 6-week lockdown which we find ourselves in now. 


So... commencing Monday 6th September, each year level will be implementing various adjustments in response to the survey data collected for that particular level. Some of these changes will be obvious,  and some will be more subtle and aimed at addressing particular aspects identified.


I would like to reiterate some of the 'restraints' that we must take into account when devising a program, which may also address a few questions that were raised through the Parent Survey.

  • When creating an overall 'structure' we need to consider the fact that we have up to 30 children attending our Onsite Supervision Program at school which needs to be staffed each day.
  • Currently, our Learning Support Officers (along with one classroom or specialist teacher)  work every day supervising this program (doing an amazing job in difficult circumstances) which allows our teachers to spend maximum time with their own class.
  • We must be mindful of 'screen time' both for the students' sake and that of our teachers.  One or two days is reasonably easy to adjust to but weeks on end takes a toll. As an organisation, we have strict OH&S responsibilities to which we must adhere
  • To ensure child safety and in line with Child Safety Policies and our Internet and Viedo Conferencing Policies and procedures, we do not leave children alone, unsupervised in chat room formats. Therefore,  student 'social catch-ups' is something families can arrange at an alternative time should they wish.
  • While it's important for children to do their expected quantity of literacy and numeracy activities we must also ensure adequate provision is made for additional learning areas along with daily play-based and/or physical activities.

And... above all, we must take into account the health and wellbeing of each family and each staff member as we work our way through the next two and a bit weeks until the end of the term. 

Book Pack Collection

With the confirmation of the extended period of remote learning, we will be arranging a Book Pack Collection for Years Prep - 2 for:

  • Monday 6th September: 1:30pm-3:45pm or
  • Tuesday 7th September: 8:45am- 10:00am

Similar to previous arrangements, a Book Pack distribution centre will be set up under the verandah next to the Art Room and Year 5/6 building immediately as you enter the front gates of the school.  


Please be mindful that this can not operate as a gathering space so we ask that upon arrival, one adult enter the front gates to collect materials. Please do not send younger children to collect items.


Along with Year Prep-2 Book Packs, the following items will also be available for collection for other children :

  • Book Club Orders (Scholastic)
  • Year 3 NAPLAN Reports
  • Year 5 NAPLAN Reports

Please do not come outside of the designated hours as packs will not be available.

New Staffing Appointment

I am delighted to announce the appointment of our new Physical Education teacher, Mr Dan Palanca. 


Dan comes to us after a stint teaching in Japan and is excited to be taking up his new role.  It's a shame that we are still in a period of remote learning but you will get the opportunity to 'meet' him next week during your designated PE day.

Learning Conferences

Learning Conferences will be programmed for Wednesday 15th September in the last week of term. These will be held online. Children will be assigned independent activities to work on throughout the day via their Google Classroom. 


Full booking details will be provided to families by early next week.

Mr Hyde's Friday Super Quiz: Fathers Day Edition

This Friday I will be hosting my Friday Super Quiz: Fathers' Day Special. 


It's taking a different slant this week and it is a must-see event! There will be something for everyone with one particular segment I'm sure you will enjoy! Google won't help you too much, but it will be a lot of fun!

Fathers' Day

I wish all dads and granddads a very special Fathers' Day and my thoughts and prayers go out to all those who, due to the current restrictions, can't visit their dad.


To all the boys and girls out there, I hope you get the chance to spend some nice time together with that special person in your life and reflect on the fun times you have had together. I hope you get the chance to spoil him, just a little, with love and hugs and maybe a nice cup of coffee!


Take Care

Happy Fathers' Day

Anthony Hyde
