
This year a dedicated group of Preshil gardeners and environmentalists have been taking part in the Schools for Wildlife project. With the funding and guidance for this project being provided by the local council and CERES, the children have been guided through the process of creating an indigenous habitat garden on the Preshil school grounds. The aim of this project was to support our children to plan and plant an indigenous habitat garden in order to increase biodiversity, provide habitat for wildlife, and foster a sense of connection to nature in our children.  


The project was split into three sessions over the course of this year. The first incursion was an introduction to biodiversity, local animal habitat needs and habitat gardening basics. Incursion 2 saw the children planning their garden and the final incursion saw the children carrying out their plan by planting the garden. 

The end result is now on display in The Pines so please do pop down and take a look. Don’t forget to tell children who carried out this project what an awesome job they have done. 

This project however, does not end here. The children partaking in the gardening elective will continue caring for the plants until they become fully established. 


Clinton Morgan

Prep and Sustainability Teacher