Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 6 Term 3

Dear Parents and Carers,


The extended lockdown continues to challenge our resilience and that of our students. The staff have been most professional and committed in ensuring that they manage and support each of their students’ needs with the sensitivity we know is required at this time. I again commend the children for their attitude to their work and the wonderful positivity they so naturally express. 


I thank our parents for the support you bring to this learning context and for the dedication and patience required to effectively balance your childrens’ experiences and your family life.  I remind parents to please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the school, should you require any assistance with the remote learning organisation, expectations and management. The school will adjust and personalise any elements that you think will support you or your child in achieving our shared desired outcomes. I continue to stress that we are in partnership and your child is at the centre of what we do. 


As with your own work contexts, the impact on scheduled events and activities is almost impossible to manage at this time. I ask for your understanding as we delay making any further predictions regarding the many important events planned.  We, of course, will keep you informed and updated when we are in a position to do so.

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Yesterday 15 August, we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption. The Assumption signifies the end of Mary’s earthly life and marks her return to heaven to be reunited with Jesus. The Gospel highlights Mary's faith. A faith that enabled her to recognise the work of God in her people's history and in her own life. Her openness to God allowed God to work through her.  May we be like Mary, a model of love, devotion, and faith.


Each week we publish the St Fidelis Parish Newsletter on our Education in Faith page, which outlines times to engage as a Catholic Community with Online Masses and Rosary via Facebook and YouTube. These opportunities keep us connected as a Catholic community and in touch with God. 

Science Week August 16-20

This week is National Science week. All our students will participate in a virtual online webinar incursion from Scienceworks or Melbourne Museum. These opportunities allow the students to engage in learning with outside experts. All these incursions are followed up in the classroom with further activities to address the children questions, wonderings and curiosity. Webinars, online virtual shows, incursions, guest speakers, excursions are all subsidised through your school levies.


Foundation - Virtual Learning: Schoolyard Bugs

In this virtual interactive incursion, students work in an online setting with museum staff to learn about the fascinating world of bugs. Students examine the external features of insects, spiders and other arthropods, while also learning about scientific methods of classification. They will identify common schoolyard bugs and meet some amazing and unusual bugs from Museums Victoria’s entomology collection.


Years 1/2 – The Light and Colour Variety Show 

An interactive virtual incursion where students work with a Scienceworks' learning facilitator to uncover the science behind light and colour.

  • How are rainbows formed? 
  • Can you make coloured shadows? 
  • Can you always trust what your eyes see?

Students will be wowed and entertained as they are facilitated by a Scienceworks' presenter in a series of experiments with light and colour. These experiments will uncover what white light is made up of, how it bends when it moves through or is blocked by different materials and what happens when that light reaches our eyes. 


Year 3-6 – Secrets of the Sky Live

The students will be taken on an adventure through the night sky beyond our atmosphere using Stellarium, an open source stargazing program. Students will be taken on a journey to the stars and visible planets as well as gain insight into seasonal variations in the day night cycle. Easily identifiable constellations will be explored, including the Boorong constellations (the constellations of the Wergaia Indigenous peoples from northwest Victoria). The session will answer questions like these and more, including a role-play, which clearly demonstrates why, we see the same side of the Moon! As an added bonus, students will learn how to use the Stellarium program so they can continue the journey in their own time. This virtual incursion concludes with an opportunity for students to ask questions.

Essential Workers

I thank the parents who are classified as Essential Workers for your notifications regarding accessing the school for support. If you have not yet notified me, please do so soon, so we can be organised with our staffing each day.

Confirmation Family /Child Workshop

The Year Six Parent Child Confirmation Workshop will take place online this Wednesday night. All Year 6 families will receive a letter outlining the details today. We are endeavouring to continue as many of our programs as possible as we navigate this online world. 

Hello from Ms Atkin

My, how he's grown! 

Ms Atkin and her new bub, Oliver sent us a cheery hello.


Stay safe
