Home Learning

Environmental Competition Award from Japan!

During our home learning program last year, one of our students, Naruki (currently Grade 4), produced a project comparing recycling programs in Japan and Australia. 

He later decided to submit this project into an environmental competition being held in Japan. In his presentation, Naruki recommended Japan introduce a green waste recycling system, similar to how we organise our garden and food waste here in Bayside. 

As a result of his efforts, he was awarded a prize.

Congratulations Naruki!





Specialist Live Lessons 

A big thank you to our specialist team for creating live lessons each afternoon this week.  We hope that your children have enjoyed them! 

Preps Word Study Program

This week our Preps worked on a fun activity for our word study program. They had to make an er word family. There are 5 codes that make the er sound, ur (like nurse), er (like her), ir (like first), ear (like early) and wor (like works).

Preps - Assessment Task

Preps had an assessment task to build a house suitable for a climate of their choice.

Grade 2 Writing

The learning intention was to build vocabulary, so the students used kidthesaurus.com to find synonyms for the word 'nice'. They then designed and created their own 'thesaurus' page and posted to a padlet to share with the cohort.