From Principal Steve  Remote Learning Feedback

Dear Parents and Carers,


Nearly 60 parents have filled out our remote learning parent survey. The four graphs below demonstrate an overall high level of parent satisfaction with the remote learning program during Lockdown 6.0 with:

  • 86.4 % of parents surveyed strongly agree or agree their children continue to learn during remote learning
  • 86.5 % of parents surveyed strongly agree or agree that the learning tasks set by the school have been clear.
  • 88.9 % of parents surveyed strongly agree of agree that the live video conferencing helps their child feel more connected
  • 81.3 % of parents surveyed strongly agree or agree that the remote learning program offered by Brighton Primary is/has been successful 


As you probably know, it is impossible to meet the needs of all of the parents (and students), all of the time. Some parents would like teachers online all day while others prefer less screen time. Some want more live sessions while other parents prefer the videos which they can access in their own time. Some parents have loved the opportunity to work with their child/ren at home during remote learning while other parents have found remote learning very challenging especially when they are also working from home. One parent, when asked about a highlight of remote learning, responded “To be completely honest, nothing!”  We do know that some families are doing it tough. Please don’t hesitate to make adjustments to the daily learning schedule if your child/ren is having a challenging day.


Thank you to those parents who have provided feedback by completing the remote learning parent survey. The survey will remain open if you would like to provide additional feedback or have not yet completed the survey. We truly appreciate this feedback as we continue to make changes to strengthen our remote and onsite learning programs. A significant number of parents have commented on these schedule changes and have also expressed their appreciation and gratitude. We have included some examples of the parent feedback received below:


The worst part of a 7 day lockdown is the first four weeks…..disappointingly, we all learned this week that Lockdown 6.0 has been extended until the 2nd September 2021. Hopefully, we will be back to double donut days when spring starts in September.


Take good care of yourself and your family.
