Student Involvement

Australian Mathematics Competition
Over 40 students competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition on Thursday 5th of August. This competition is nationally recognised and assesses student’s general numeracy skills as well as their reasoning, problem solving and critical thinking skills. As the competition paper progresses, the questions become more and more difficult. All students who voluntarily participated are congratulated on their efforts. They will be further recognised for their contribution to their education once the results are received.
Well done!
Siaan Le Fevre
Learning Specialist: Whole School Numeracy
Debate Club
Congratulations to Jamila Manser, Natalia Fakos and Cheyanne Williams for their debate against Peninsula Grammar on the 3rd of August. Unfortunately we lost by two points, but the Year 9's have finished second in our region, which is an amazing effort! Our Year 10 team were supposed to debate on the 3rd of August but won due to forfeit. The Year 10 team, FIRST in our region, progressed to final playoffs, which was another great achievement!
On the 19th of August final playoffs took place. Well done to Charlie Jones, Bonnie Salt and Poppy Treadwell for their debate, “That the government should prioritise road projects over new rail projects” against Ivanhoe Grammar. The team scored very highly but ultimately lost by ONE POINT (228-229). The fact that the students have made finals this year given all the interruptions is a testament to how hard they worked.
Grace Bonfadini - Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator
Green Team
Well…this term did not go quite as planned for the Green Team. We had big plans for the vegetable garden, fundraising events, a recycling campaign and fun in the kitchen. Despite this our vegetable garden and nature in general reminds us that life continues on regardless and provides wonderful surprises whether we are there or not. We had an abundance of daffodils to remind us that spring is here, so many lemons and the native birds have been enjoying the quiet time.
We look forward to seeing what will feel like a secret garden when we return, full of weeds and hard work no doubt, but also moments of wonder. We also look forward to seeing the reward from the many flowers and early spring vegetables we planted at the start of the term. Hopefully we will still get to see some of the spring blossom from the fruit trees.
We encourage everyone to find moments in nature and to enjoy the little things. Thanks for reading.
With love
The Green Team