Principal's Report

Thank you for your tremendous support across the term. This has been a challenging time for everyone, and I feel so immensely grateful for the kindness and support that you have shown throughout these periods of remote learning. This term the Victorian premier Daniel Andrews delivered further restrictions and an extension to our 6th Lockdown. It's been tough!
As a parent, I'm acutely aware of how hard it is to strike a balance between managing work, finding some downtime and keeping our kids busy – all at home! In my job and as an educator, I am responsible for both the wellbeing and learning of students both onsite and at home during remote learning.
I have been reflecting on the events that usually fill our calendar during Term 3. One such event is our annual presentation from Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. Michael is one of Australia's most widely recognised adolescent psychologists, and a friend of Dromana College. Michael recently shared some great reminders of what parents and carers can do and say to help their child:
Choose your battlegrounds – focus on health and safety matters (rather than tidy rooms, etc.).
Focus on wellbeing – encourage children to focus on what they can control (sleep, diet, exercise and connecting with friends).
See life as it is – encourage children to reflect on what went well for the day (focus on the good bits).
We can't choose what happens, but we can choose our response and help children change their thinking. Australia has an outstanding free online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program called MOODGYM. Don't be afraid to reach out for help: contact your child's teacher, family, friend or counsellor. Additional support can help your child manage a challenging time. Look after your wellbeing too, as this will make you a more helpful resource during this time.
Return to Onsite Learning
Our planning for Term 4 is well underway and examination places are being set up in a socially distanced manner to deliver the best learning opportunities for our Year 12 students upon their return to complete the General Achievement Test (GAT) on the 5th of October, 2021. Our planning has also recognised the importance of bringing our students back together in a manner that helps them reconnect in the physical world with their peers. We are all truly excited at the prospect of being fully back at school during Term 4.
To help support the safe conduct of end-of-year exams, the Victorian Government recently announced a vaccination blitz for final year school students, their teachers and for VCE exam supervisors and assessors.
Bushfire Preparedness
Dromana College BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) has been lowered, which means we will most likely only close on code red days in 2022. Work to create fire breaks in the bushland areas surrounding the college will be undertaken over the September holiday period, adding an additional layer of protection for students, staff, and visitors of the college on high-risk fire days.