The Ned Show
On the 26th of August we be offering a Live Streaming Virtual Performance of The NED Show.
The meaning of NED’s name – Never Give Up, Encourage Others, Do your Best
· Our words and actions matter… You can be a buddy not a bully
· There is a Champion in EACH of us.
The NED Show is an interactive, 45-minute all-school performance. We use storytelling, yoyo tricks, humor and audience participation to simplify big ideas about behavior and character, presenting them in a way children understand and remember.
On the way to visit your school, NED takes a detour and meets some aliens. He’s nervous and tries to outrun them. It turns out they want to help him make good choices and have a positive attitude. Then, with some help from the audience, NED learns how to be a buddy not a bully. Throughout his adventures, NED comes to realize there’s a Champion in everyone!
The NED show be selling Yo-Yos after school so keep an eye out on School Bag and SeeSaw for prices and when they will be available for purchase