Mount Erin Check - In 

From the Supervisors

Junior Boys

A big hello to all Junior Boy’s and their families. I’m thinking of you all and looking forward to catching up on everything you got up to in lockdown. Thank you for all the lovely messages and photos. A big shout out to your parents for all their hard work in these trying times. Don’t forget to be kind, tolerant and patient with each other and Mum and Dad. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. 


Hello from Zep, Kevin and Elliot the cat.



Senior Girls

The terms ‘lockdown’ and ‘social distancing’ are ones that even predictive phone text now recognizes, but it is important that while we are physically distanced we stay socially connected.


To do this as best as possible, both shared fun documents and group texts have been sent to all the senior girls. Texting brings a faster response but the shared documents of staying connected  and being positive are also important so the girls all know they are being thought about and missed from daily life.




Silly jokes and dancing videos have been shared as well as murder quizzes and silly news stories.


Nothing replaces the fun and conversations had in the boarding house and hope we are all back there ASAP to catch up and laugh together.




Robin Bussenschutt I Senior Girls Supervisor

Senior Boy’s 

It certainly has been a tough time for all students over the past few weeks. Year 12 are just finishing their HSC Trials, while our Year 11 Boarders are about to start their trials. Life will throw up situations that will test us - the best we can do at these times  is adapt to the situation and do the best we can.


Good luck to all involved and hopefully see you all back at the Bordo soon.


Wayne Galvin | Senior Boys Supervisor

Junior Girls

Since our last update Sarah has begun an art project, Celeste has been taking care of her ducklings and Evie has been entertaining her sister.


Most girls are enjoying their extra time at home!





Sarah’s art project






The Junior girls were invited to attend a Zoom Afternoon tea with their supervisor last Tuesday (31st of August) and we had some interesting discussions about how terrifying spiders are, Maggie’s “haunted” house and Evie introduced us to one of her lovely cats.





Wishing you all well for the remainder of the lockdown!


Hope to see you soon!






Lara Plum I  Junior Girls Supervisor

From Activities/Mount Erin Trickshot Challenge


Hi everyone! Welcome to the Mount Erin Stay Home Trickshot Challenge. In these trying times why not have some fun -  All Boarders are encouraged to participate. 




The rules are simple and are as follows:

  • The video must be recorded at home and there is a time limit of 20 seconds.
  • Two feet must be grounded (i.e no skateboards, bikes, cars etc).
  • You may record with a friend or family member (maximum of 2 people) as long as you are clearly 1.5 metres apart.
  • For your trick shot to be included you must be wearing appropriate clothing and appropriate language will be used.
  • It is recommended to record on your phone (landscape), then airdrop or send it to your computer.
  • Then upload it to the file attached
  • Above all - be SAFE!

Be sure what you are doing is safe and not damaging to the environment.


Below is a link to an example video inspiration for your own trick shots:

Have Fun!

Footy Tip Winners Week 7

  • Senior Boys: Darion O’toole (9)
  • Senior Girls: Lillian Holtorf (11)
  • Junior Boys: Isaac Gooden (10)
  • Junior Girls: Tara Cock (9)

Spot prizes: Luke Wen, Darcie Manning, Sarah Scott, Ted Pearce.

Prizes will be given when we return.



Jody Siegwalt (Siggy) |Activities Officer