Religious Education

Religious Education in Term 3 

On Tuesday, we began teaching and learning in our Religious Education classes using an on-line, remote mode of delivery. Our wonderful team of teachers have expertly crafted engaging and interactive lessons for our students to experience via Canvas.   


Whilst the changing COVID-19 circumstances can signal some concern among our students and families, we take great heart in knowing that our loving God walks with us on this journey.  


We are inspired by the words of Pope Francis during this time... 


"In these dark months of the pandemic, let us listen to the risen Lord as he invites us to begin anew and never lose hope... It is always possible to begin anew, because there is a new life that God can awaken in us” 


In this spirit and with a focus on life enrichment; we continue to work towards developing student understanding and learning growth through each of the year groups in Religious Education. 


Year 7 have been engaged in their unit Belief, Practice and Prayer. Throughout this week they being guided through a series of experiential workshops in which they are active participants in a variety of prayer forms including; Christian Meditation, the Catholic Mass, the Liturgy of the Word and Intercessory Prayer, Aboriginal Spirituality prayer themes and the practice of Visio Divina. 


Year 8 are thoroughly immersed in the ways in which the ‘Church spreads the Good News’. Recently, they completed their assessment task, developing a blog post for a Christian website by describing a person or group of people who make a positive contribution to society or their community. The blog encourage Year 8 peers to learn from this person or people, to develop their Christian values in order to spread the 'Good News'.


Year 9 are making great progress with their New Testament Unit of Work. Students have designed a series of Magazine front cover pages as part of their introductory session on this unit and some of these are showcased below. All classes have completed a Formative Assessment whereby they selected a Beatitude of focus and gathered contemporary evidence to reveal this ‘attitude’ or ‘blessing’ at work in the world. This week, students will use this evidence to construct a Google Slide Presentation to showcase their findings. 


Year 10 are completing their case study on Palliative Care by conducting extensive research into the ethical dilemma of the preservation of life in the Australian context, using evidence. Inspired by Catholic Church Teaching and the message of Pope Francis on the dignity and sanctity of life, students will uncover how life in Australia's modern world challenges Catholics to maintain their faith throughout their journey.


Year 11 Studies of Religion recently completed their depth study on Islam, by researching a significant person, stream of ethics and sacred practice and constructing a cognitive organiser. Students utilised this research tool to support them to respond to an essay question. Year 11 have now moved on to their Christianity Depth Study and are currently investigating Christian Marriage and Sexual Ethics. 


Year 11 Studies in Catholic Thought are working through the Unit ‘Re-imagining the Creation Program’, exploring how the Catholic understanding of the human person has shaped our understanding of the universe, creation and human relationships with God, self and others. Students have been contemplating significant world events and how these have challenged Catholic thinking, including the Post-Reformation Church and Vatican II.


Year 12 Studies in Catholic Thought are completing their final Unit, The Common Good. Within this, students explore the understanding of the gospel demands of Christian living, and develop an understanding of the moral life as a part of the life of Catholics. Students consider the Catholic approach to issues facing the human person, human society and the environment in a secular world, and how the Church informs and supports ethical endeavours. 


Following the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary last weekend (15 August), we pray that we will continue to be guided by the loving hand of our spiritual mother, Mary during this challenging time. 



Mrs Amelia Bright | Religious Education KLA Leader