P&F Meeting
Our next P&F meeting is on Monday 29 May at 7pm in the staff room. All welcome.
Is someone you know in the production 'Joseph...'?
Our *Hot Food Days are starting up again, our goal for the first two are to help subsidise costs for T-shirts for cast and crew (135 or so people!)
Volunteers Needed for Hot Food Days!!!
*Hot Food Days add a little variety for school lunches (e.g. sausage sizzle, soup, nacho's.) We try to have one a month especially over the cooler months.
These will be on a Monday. Are you free to help serve on the day?
Our ultimate goal is to have 5 groups of 3-4 people and have a roster over the time.
If you would like to put your name down for the roster, please email Corey Lamprey at pandf@scc.tas.edu.au
P&F Presidents: Huw and Kelly Griffiths
Vice Presidents: Corey and Lauren Lamprey
Treasurer: Sheree Morriss
Secretary: Fiona Witcomb
Feel free to have a chat with any of us about the P&F when you see us out and about or email us at pandf@scc.tas.edu.au.