From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Caregivers, Konnichiwa!


There have been a few staffing changes at Grange Primary School that I want to share with our school community.

Last Friday we farewelled three staff members.

Firstly, Maureen Russo our Business Manager has won another position. Maureen has done an outstanding job over the past 21 years here at Grange Primary School and we wish her well in her new role in the Department for Education, State Office. The Business Manager position at Grange Primary School has been advertised and we will conduct a selection process over the next week for someone to take on the role.

Maureen Russo
Maureen Russo

Support Staff member, Merrill Battista is also finishing her time here at Grange Primary School and is retiring after 20 years at Grange. Thank you to Maureen and Merrill for your fantastic contribution to Grange Primary School over so many years. We wish them both all the best into the future. 

Merrill Battista
Merrill Battista

We also farewell Alex Narcys, Senior Leader STEM and Years 5-7 sub-school, who has won a Leadership position as Deputy Principal at Allenby Gardens Primary School for the rest of the year. Alex returns to his Leadership role at Grange Primary School in 2020. Alex has been an outstanding leader at Grange and I wish him all the best in his new position.

Alex Narcys
Alex Narcys

Alex's role as Senior Leader will be taken up by Chris Philbrook and Room 10 will be taught by Darrien Newcombe.

Schools are no different to any work environment where staff members build skills and move on to other challenges, roles and locations.

In managing this continual change it is important that we build the capacity in other staff to step up into short and long term positions. We have been very intentional in building staff that are multi skilled, able to manage a changing environment and step up and take a lead at Grange Primary School. These are skills equally critical to develop in our students as they are in our staff.

This will enable us to continue to move from a good and great school to one that is consistently outstanding.


Regards, Grant

Grant Small, Principal

Grange Primary School