From Cressida


At about this time in Term 2 our teachers begin to piece together the Semester One reports. It is a beautiful time in which teaching teams reflect on the learning journey of each child. It is just one more example of the power of team teaching; two (or three) teachers considering each child from their unique perspectives, and drawing together the essential elements to share with families.

As Marilyn has described, our children will not be measured against the usual 5 point scale. But this is not the only difference you will see. This semester we will be inviting parents to join us in this reflective journey. You have been our partners and our supporters in delivering online learning. We know that learning from home was thrust upon us all. Teachers, children and parents adjusted to this change with a range of emotions. In my own mind I pictured this new relationship between teacher and parent as an old Western movie in which the sheriff deputises the somewhat reluctant citizen. Though you may have found yourselves in the position of reluctant home teacher, you have been privileged to observe and discover something deeper about your child as a learner. There may be many things from this time that we will be pleased to forget, but we want to offer you the opportunity to preserve what you have come to know about your child through asking you to make a contribution to your child’s report. Some parents may embrace this opportunity, but there is no expectation that all families will want to accept this offer.  We imagine you might start something like this, “During the weeks of learning from home, I was able to observe…”

Our classroom teachers will be offering some suggestions for you to consider when sharing these observations. The focus will be a celebration of how your child embraced this time. Did they indulge a passion, become proficient in the use of new technologies, find creative ways to connect with peers, or abley adapt  to a new daily rhythm? Each child’s journey will be unique. Through this small contribution you the parent are the observer, and we the teachers are reading and learning about your child from you. A fitting way to celebrate this topsy-turvy time we have all come through.


New Protocols

We are so looking forward to having the children in the Lighthouse and Loft Room return next Tuesday 26th May, with the remaining classes returning on Tuesday 9th June. While Arlington has always been a very welcoming space for our families, we have been required to implement some changes which will see us all need to make accommodations to ensure our safety and wellbeing. These will seem quite out of step with what we are accustomed to, but we ask that you be mindful of the following protocols:

  • Where possible, please refrain from coming on to the campus
  • Please use the large double gates on Mount Street at drop off and collection times observing social distancing
  • At the end of the day, leave directly and refrain from gathering on campus
  • Please refrain from entering classrooms
  • Please sanitise hands if you need to enter any buildings
  • Please note: classroom kitchens are closed. No lunches can be toasted, heated or prepared at school


Cressida Batterham-Wilson

Acting Head of Arlington Campus