Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F - George - For being a very respectful and caring class member who always tries his best!
1/2 N Bradley - for his calm and settled behaviour during recent class learning time.
2/3 D Luke - for trying your best to follow our school values and to help others!
4/5 D Cooper S - for doing a great job of working independently!
5/6 CS Xavier - for treating others with respect and kindness.
Maths Awards
F - Jadon - For having great enthusiasm towards numbers and sharing his addition strategies with the class.
1/2 N Max M - for developing his confidence in showing quarter past on an analogue clock.
2/3 D Cooper - for your great focus and discussions around chance!
4/5 D Paige - for your great results on your chance test!
5/6 CS Rhianna - for her outstanding results in our unit of work on Chance.
Writing Awards
F - Lexi - For writing a fantastic journal about her trip to Hawaii!
1/2 N Flint - for his effort in having a go at writing a simple sentence.
2/3 D Will M - for your great focus on your writing and editing!
4/5 D Will - for concentrating hard during writing time!
5/6 CS Finley - for his focus and effort during our author study activities.
Japanese Award
Foundation Macey - for mastering all the Japanese words and sentences she has learnt this year. Fantastic work!!!