Parents + Friends Association
Gather & Graze - Saturday 16 November
The Blackfriars Parents & Friends Association invites all members of our community to Gather & Graze on Saturday 16 November, 7-11pm, in Frassati Hall.
Enjoy a night of friendship, food and wine. Visit the grazing table and peruse a selection of wines to purchase.
For some additional fun, bring a bottle ($10-$20 value) to be popped in a paper bag and placed on our wine wall. During the evening, a lucky dip will be run! There may even be a special bottle or two to win!
Tickets are $10 and available now at
Entertainment Books
We would like to thank all of our supporters that purchased a physical or electronic Entertainment Book this year - it has assisted our fundraising activities greatly.
As we are now heading into September, it is time for the Parents and Friends to close our account with the Entertainment book team for this year. As a reminder, we now need any remaining physical books that have not been purchased to be returned to the school (or purchased) as soon as possible.
If you received a book, but purchased an "electronic" version, please be aware you also need to return the physical book if you have not done so already.
Of course, it is still not too late to order online - here
Regards and thanks!