Hallinan Library
Library News
Well we are almost at the end of what has been a busy term. Next term will be even busier, with getting ready for exams, then text book returns, and then getting text books ready for next year’s students. On that note, can I remind students to return their text books as soon as possible after their exams, as this greatly helps the turnaround process. Reminders will be sent out early next term.
Another point I would like to remind students about, is the Mobile Phone Policy. As you are aware, school policy is that mobile phones are not to be used during the day from 8:35am to dismissal at 3:15pm (unless requested by a teacher for school work purposes). Students are reminded that both libraries are designated mobile free zones, and that we shouldn’t be seeing any phone use in the library at all during the school day.
Looking ahead to next term, in November we have a visit from Jackie French, former Australian Children’s Laureate and Senior Australian of the Year. She will be talking to the Year 6 and 7 classes, with possibly some Year 8 boys fitting in as well. Jackie is passionate about books, reading, and sharing stories:
"There are a million ways to share a story. To read to a child on your lap; to have a child read to you while you cook dinner; to read to the dog when it has to go to the vet to calm it (or you!) down; to join a storytelling session at your library. You can also tell your grandchildren what life was like when you were young over the phone or Skype or read to thousands of people via video conferencing. Stories tell us who we are. They teach us empathy, so we understand who others are. They give us the power to imagine and create the future. – Jackie French
You can read more about Jackie and her amazing story here at: http://www.childrenslaureate.org.au/laureates/jackie-french/
Next term will also see the pizza lunch for all the senior students who completed the Premiers Reading Challenge. It is our way to congratulate and reward students who have made the effort to complete the Challenge, which we know is harder for some than others. So well done to all who persevered!
The library team would like to wish everyone all the best for the holidays. May they be relaxing and restorative.
Ms Jacquie McEvoy
Teacher / Librarian (ELC-12)