Welcome back to the Library
Did anyone find their 'treasure'. I certainly did, in the books that I read and in organising our own beautiful school library into a treasure trove. Why all the talk about treasure?
Book Week 2018
20th August to 24th August
Theme: Find Your Treasure
Book Fair 2018
21st August to 24th August
Times: TBA
Speaking of treasure, did anyone visit a library over the holidays?
Thank you to Isabella Hanlon (Year 4) for her pictures of the amazing Melbourne State Library.
Town Library Visits
Over the course of this week, classes will be visiting the Town Library. The visit includes time in the library to engage with all the wonderful resources, experiences and services that our town library provides and time in the Tamworth Regional Gallery upstairs to enjoy the interesting work of Terry Denton, "The Many Story Treehouse Exhibition". This is an exhibition of Terry Denton's original illustrations, sketches and layouts showing the development of crazy ideas, characters and stories for The Treehouse series developed with author Andy Griffiths. The students are sure to enjoy this as the books are always flying off the shelves.
This week, we had a visit from the teacher librarians in our Diocesan schools for training on our library program 'Oliver'. Our Library Leaders were busy tidying and donning their schools blazers in readiness for our visitors. We really enjoyed showing off and sharing our library and school with the visitors. Thank you Library Leaders, you are wonderful ambassadors for our school.
Connect 4 Winner
Congratulations to Edward McCann, who is the winner in Infants.
Primary winner will be announced next week.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Challenge ends on Friday, 31 August 2018. Counting down with 5 weeks to go.