God, our Father, we are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son, one family, in the Spirit of your love. Bless us with the joy of love. Make us patient and kind, gentle and generous, welcoming to those in need. Help us to live your forgiveness and peace. Protect all families with your loving care, Especially those for whom we now pray: [We pause and remember family members and others by name]. Increase our faith, strengthen our hope, keep us safe in your love, make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share. This we ask, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Mary, mother and guide, pray for us. Saint Joseph, father and protector, pray for us. Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
We pray for...
the Confirmation candidates as they begin their preparation ..... the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Kelly (formerly Miss Katlin Groom) .... Mrs Katie Daley and her family upon the safe arrival of Audrey Rose.
School Liturgy News
Yesterday Fr Raj facilitated Reconciliation for 4G and 4K. Next Wednesday 4M will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation.
Marriage and Family Week
Bishop Michael Kennedy has designated this week as Marriage and Family Week for the Armidale Diocese. The week includes the celebration of the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne today 26th July. The theme for Marriage and Family Week is The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World. The theme for each World Meeting of Families is chosen by the Pope. In choosing The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World, as the theme for the ninth World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on a theme that was central to the Synodal process that led to his post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family.
‘The Church and The Gospel of the Family’ was a key theme in the Preparatory Document for the III Extraordinary Assembly of Bishops in October 2014, a document that was the subject of unprecedented consultation among the faithful of the Church across the world. While the preparatory document does not give a specific definition of the term, ‘The Gospel of the Family’, it does convey at least three senses in which this relatively new phrase in the Church’s tradition can be understood:
The family, founded on the marriage of a man and woman, is part of God’s plan from the beginning. The ‘Good News’ of the family is, therefore, an indispensable part of the joyful message of the Gospel that the Church proclaims.
The family is the principal agent of evangelisation of its own members. As the first school of faith and love, the Christian family is often where we ourselves first come to know Jesus and his love.
The family proclaims the Gospel to the World. The Christian family, by its witness to the life and love of Jesus, is a principal agent of evangelisation to the world.
Family Mass
Our Family Masses for this term will be held on Sunday 5th August and Sunday 9th September at St Nicholas Church at 9.30a.m. The First Family Mass (5th August) will be hosted by Kindergarten, Year 6 and Confirmation Candidates. It would be lovely to see as many families as possible attending. These Masses are an opportunity for our school community to come together with our parish community to celebrate and to share a ‘cuppa ‘and morning tea afterwards.
Infants Liturgy
A big thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who attended the Infant's Liturgy on the last day of term. The students loved having you there. A big thank you to Fr Chris for bringing the Liturgy to life and for Mrs Penman’s organisation. The next Infants Liturgy will be Wednesday 26th September at 9.30am at St Nicholas Church.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Just a gentle reminder that completed forms, proof of Sponsors Baptism/Confirmation and money for the Sacrament of Confirmation need to be returned to school no later than Wednesday 8th August.