Week 1 Term 3
Despite the cold weather a very warm welcome back to students, parents and teachers for Term 3. I hope you all had a great break and are refreshed and ready for another exciting term ahead.
This term as always, is another very hectic one. Some of the significant events this term include: Grandparents Day, ICAS exams, Book Fair, Year 6 Confirmation, Family Masses, STEAM Expo and the continuation of winter sports to name a few. The highlight of the term will be in the last week when Catholic Schools Celebrate is held with the theme, “Share the Spirit of Youth”. We are looking forward to a great Term 3 where we continue to strive for “2 More Marks” in everything we do, where Manners Matter and we continue to LIFT!
Congratulations to Katie and Dan Daley on the arrival of beautiful Audrey Rose. Mum and daughter are doing fine.
One of the highlights of our school year is Grandparents’ Day which we celebrated today in alignment with the Feast Day of Joachim and Anne, Jesus’ grandparents. The day included a special Mass for our primary students and guests, a cuppa and some cake provided by the PT&F and classroom visits and activities for the grandparents. It was wonderful to have so many people at the school, albeit a bit chaotic at times.
Next Friday is Commonwealth School Census Day for schools across Australia. This Census is the key Federal Government data gathering instrument for the funding of the Armidale Catholic Schools Office and hence staffing levels at St Nicholas School. It is a lengthy and detailed process but it does provide me with the opportunity to thank Robyn and Jennine in the front office for the wonderful job they do for us every day.
We are in the process of upgrading our website and newsletters over the coming weeks. If there are any problems I know you will all understand.
Let’s start the Term off well by being very conscious of car drop off and car pick up. Remember it is important that you stay in your car, have a large sign for your name, be patient and courteous and obey all the road rules, in particular the stopping and no stopping signs. It is also important to note that supervision of students commences at 8.15am each morning.