Volunteer Interview

Fleur Turner

Why do you volunteer at BNPS?

I enjoy volunteering at BPNS as I think parent participation is appreciated and valued. I enjoy seeing my boys in their school environment and they enjoy seeing their Mum in their school.

What year level are your children in?

I have a son in grade 3, and  a son in grade 2.

What roles have you volunteered for during your time at BNPS?

I have volunteered in the Canteen, as a Class Rep, in literacy groups and currently in the Uniform Shop.

What is your background/current role (outside of BNPS!)?

My background is in Nursing/ Midwifery and Community Nursing.

What do you do during your spare time?

In my free time I enjoy travelling, walking our dog and spending time with family and friends.

What’s the best thing about BNPS?

The best things about BNPS are the fabulous teachers, it’s community spirit and curriculum.