
Interschool Sport
In Term 1 the sports offered are cricket, tennis, softball, volleyball, lawn bowls and ultimate frisbee. The seniors had their round robin day earlier this month. Although no one progressed through to the next round, they all had fun and enjoyed the camaraderie The Intermediates (Year 9 & 10) sport day was on 20 February; Year 8s compete on Wednesday 14 March and the Year 7s on Wednesday 22 March.
The Term 2 sports offered for seniors are basketball, soccer, netball, AFL, table tennis, hockey, badminton and handball. The Term 2 sports offered for Year 7 to 10 are netball, AFL, soccer, handball and badminton.
The Term 3 sports offered for Year 7 to 10 are futsal, basketball, table tennis and hockey.
There are trials for these sports.
Students not participating in the round robin competition days attend normal classes at school on sports days.
Mr Philip Hull
Interschool Sport Coordinator
House Swimming Carnival
Last Thursday was an important day on the MGSC calendar with our annual swimming carnival taking place. Students walked in the gates on the morning decked out in their purple tutus, green capes, yellow hats and blue bow ties buzzing with excitement and anticipation as to what will unfold on the day. A large portion of students boarded the early buses to compete in the freestyle trial events hoping to qualify for the final race later on in the day’s program.
From diving to standing water polo to beach volleyball to house chants to staff-student freestyle relays and boat races the day was filled with plenty of opportunities to get involved and earn house points.
Although the final results have yet been revealed it looks rather close with only a few points difference between the first 3 houses. These results will be announced at the full school assembly at the end of term.
Finally a special mention to the following students who have been awarded as the age champions and will also be acknowledged at the next assembly.
- 13 years – Eva Jenkins
- 14 years– Mya Winnell
- 15 years – Megan Kain
- 16 years – Cara Jenkins
- 17 years – Isabelle Jacques
- 18 year old – Neave Harrison
Congratulations to all students.
The next big event will be our Athletics carnival to be held on Friday 20 April at Dolomore Oval.
More details will be provided on Compass and on the notice board in the gym.
Ms Ilana Parker
College House and Carnivals Coordinator
Ultimate Frisbee Team did not disappoint!
Our reputation for having outstanding students at MGSC was reiterated on Tuesday 13 February. Our Ultimate Frisbee team competed in a round-robin competition against teams from MacRobertson Girls’ High, Elwood College and Albert Park College. The scores did not adequately represent the qualities of the team members who maintained a positive attitude as they competed as a united team against all opposition.
I would like to congratulate the following students who represented our College in an outstanding capacity: Evelyn, Noura, Nicola, Jade, Angelina, Neve, Lili, Tess and Eliza.
Intermediate Girls’ Tennis
On Tuesday 20 February nine MGSC students represented the College at the Intermediate competition at Melbourne Park.
It was perfect weather and the girls enjoyed their round-robin competition against MacRobertson Girls' High School Liebler Yavneh, Glen Eira and Albert Park Colleges.
Both of the MGSC teams had mixed results however played their games with enthusiasm, team spirit and with respect towards their opposition.
I would like to thank the following girls for their exemplary behaviour and positivity: Charlie, Violet , Maddie, Amelia, Grace, Ellie, Chloe, Abbie and Mathilde.
Ms Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal