School council

Hello everyone,
My name is Andrea Webster. My daughters attend MGSC in Year 11 and Year 8. I joined the school council 12 months ago and have enjoyed being a part of MGSC school council.
From the first meeting I attended everyone was very friendly, welcoming and inclusive. Being part of school council gives you a wonderful opportunity to see the hard work that goes on to provide a rich, inviting and happy learning environment for our daughters. It has given me enormous insight into how the school functions and an opportunity to contribute to its future success.
As a parent member I feel my perspective is respected and my contribution is viewed as important and valued.
I live locally in Parkdale and work for a local council as a Preschool Field Officer. This role involves working across kindergarten services supporting children’s inclusion in the kindergarten program. I am also able to support kindergarten teachers in building their capacity to provide a quality early childhood program to the children in their service. It is a very busy and rewarding role.
If you are considering joining school council, I would strongly recommend you apply, as your contribution to the school is a wonderful way to be part of the MGSC community.
Andrea Webster
School Council member