College matters

Welcome back to all in the MGSC community

The new school year has begun with positive atmosphere both inside and outside of the classroom. Our students looked great in their uniforms and were settled into their programs despite the extreme weather conditions in the first week. Providing a supportive learning environment is our priority. This information and reminders will assist in creating a positive, happy and cohesive school community. 

Mobile phones

Mobile phones are to be placed in lockers before school and must not be used until the end of the school day. This includes recess and lunchtime. Parents/guardians are asked to contact the general office rather than directly contact their child during the school day. Families may like to know that out of a student population of over 1100 students, no more than 20 phones were confiscated on the first day of term and half that amount on day two.

Student planners

Student planners are to be taken to every class. Students are not allowed to leave classes without a signed planner. We expect students to go to the bathroom before school, at recess and lunchtime.


Please be reminded the summer dress should be of an appropriate length. Students who choose to have fake nails can only do so if they are short and of neutral colour. Extremely long nails are a safety issue and must be rectified. Uniform infringements will be noted on the student’s Compass page with a notification going to their parent/guardians. Family support is appreciated to ensure all students wear their uniform with pride.


Blazers are to be worn to and from school each day. Students are expected to bring their blazers to the last lesson of each school day. Students will  not be expected to wear their blazers home on days of extreme heat.


The Compass Parent Portal is an integrated, online portal that allows parents to access information about their child/ren and a range of school events. There is a Compass guide for parents located on our website.


Compass contact details must be kept up-to-date at all times. Please contact the general office if you have changed address, phone, email or emergency contact details. 

Photo Day - Monday 10 February

Student photo day for Years 8 to 12 is on Monday 10 February. All students have received a photo ordering envelope and further information can be found on Compass in the form of a newsfeed.

CSEF Payments 

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance ($225 for secondary schools) is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. 

New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from  If you applied for the CSEF at MGSC in 2019, you do not need to complete an application form in 2020 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments your child has started or changed schools in 2020 or you did not apply in 2019.
  • changed family circumstances such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2020.

Car parking

Parents are not to drop off students in the car park at any time.

School car parks are for staff and deliveries only.

Parents should use designated drop off areas and use available street parking. Do not park over our neighbour's driveways.  Parking inspectors regularly issue infringement notices.

Buses replacing trains on Frankston line

Trains are not operating on the Frankston line between Moorabbin and Frankston for another week. The LXRP are providing special buses at the end of the school day that depart directly from MGSC and follow the train line from Parkdale to Chelsea. This service continues until Friday 14 February. 

Emergency drills

These are held once a term and may involve all or some students. These are identified on the Compass calendar. On these days students will follow the College Assembly bell times. They will go to their period 2 class and await instruction. Drills may be in the form of an evacuation to the oval or gymnasium, off-site (two neighbourhood locations are available), lock down or other. In the event of a school emergency (not a drill) families will be contacted by Compass newsfeed or SMS.

Parents and Friends' Association 

The first PFA meeting was held on Tuesday 4 February, and was very well attended. The focus of the PFA is to support school events and activities (in a range of ways) and plan social events for the parents. There is also a small sub committee looking at fundraising ideas.The meeting dates are as follows:

Tuesday 3 March – AGM (elect 2020 committee)

Tuesday 21 April

Tuesday 14 July

Tuesday 6 October

All parents are welcome to attend PFA meetings which are held in the staffroom at 7pm. Refreshments are provided.

Second-hand Uniform Shop

The shop is staffed by PFA volunteers. Thanks to Annette, Val, Geri and Danielle for their continued work in the second-hand uniform shop. 

Hours: Tuesday 2.45-3.45pm and Friday 8.15-9.15am

We are always looking for extra volunteers. Please contact the school if you are available to assist at either of these times.

MGSC Book Buy and Sell Facebook page

This Facebook page is PFA initiative to assist students and parents wanting to buy and sell school books. It is administered by Emma and Jo from the PFA. We greatly appreciate the time they put into this. This page will stay open until end of February and will then be closed down. It will reopen late in 2020 in readiness for the 2021 school year.

Carol Duggan and Bronwyn Moline

Assistant Principals

MGSC is social 

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Facebook  @MentoneGirlsSecondaryCollege

Instagram  mentonegirlssecondarycollege