
Welcome back to an exciting school year ahead. A warm welcome to our new Year 7 students and their families. Our Interschool Sport program kicks off next Friday 14 February with our senior teams heading out. For The round robin dates and sports in term 1 are:
Sports: Cricket, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Lawn Bowls, Ultimate Frisbee
Senior - Friday 14 February
Intermediate (Year 9 & 10) - Monday 24 February
Year 8 - Friday 13 March
Year 7 - Tuesday 24 March
All students are reminded that it is their responsibility to keep an eye out for any trial or training sessions to be held for their interested sport. This can be either on the screens, compass or via email so keep your eyes peeled!!
Swimming Carnival
Our first MGSC house event, the Swimming Carnival, will be held on Thursday 20 February at Carnegie Pool. This is an exciting opportunity for the entire school community to gather together and show their passion and pride towards their house. Students are reminded that this is a whole school event and that they will be transported to and from the pool.
Swimmers in the 50 m freestyle events must register interest (via the form sent out) and must be at the school gym by 8am to have the roll marked and to board the buses to the pool.
All other students are to make their way to their normal period 1 class for roll marketing and will then be instructed to board buses. Further information about the day will be distributed over the coming week so please ensure you read it carefully.
Should you have any questions please either ask your PE teacher or come and see Ms Parker in the gym office.
Ilana Parker
Interschool Sport coordinator