Student success stories

Community service award
Chelsey Reindel (Year 12) was nominated for the 2018 Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards by the Bon Beach Life Saving Club. We are delighted that she has been recognised in the Impact category and will be presented at a ceremony hosted by the Governor in September. Chelsey has given over a hundred hours of volunteer work at the Life Saving Club, coaching Under 8 children and working as a lifeguard on the weekend. Chelsey also helped to run Learn to Swim programs for immigrant children.
Representing in South Africa
Over the school holidays Gracie Geddis (Year 11) travelled to South Africa as a member of the School Sports Australia hockey team. Go the Green and Gold.
Australian Rules representation
Sascha Pribil was a member of the State Schools Victoria Under 15 Australian Rules football team. Great to see the 'Big V' on a MGSC student. Sascha, wears No 15 shares her experiences about representing Victoria.
"From 21 to 29 July I participated in the School Sports Australia Under 15 Girls Australian Rules football national championship in SA. Our first game was against the home side, followed by NT, NSW, QLD and ACT with only two rest days between matches. My favourite things about the experience were getting to know all my teammates and becoming really close, as well as playing against the best of the best. It was a fantastic week and I hope to make the team again next year."
Queen's Scout Award
Lizzie Honeybone (Year 12) committed to over three hundred hours toward the Queen’s Scout Award. In addition to the three hundred hours of service she did a two night and four night hike without adult support. Lizzie addressed audiences of approximately two hundred people at scouting events, wrote articles for the Natural Scout Magazine and was a finalist in the Kingston Young Citizen Award. Lizzie reflects that the experience she gained over the three years was valuable as it helped her personal growth and will enable her to achieve her academic goals when she leaves school.