
State Cross Country results
Congratulations to Freya Brown, Millie Belleville and Timara Logan for qualifying to represent MGSC at the State Cross Country on Thursday 19 July. The gales were blowing but they were determined to give it their best shot. Freya finished 28th, Millie finished 6th and Timara finished 22nd. Well done to these students and their incredible efforts!
Beachside Athletics
The final team to represent MGSC is currently being finalised. Should you be successful in competing, you will be notified via email to attend an important meeting. The Beachside event will be held on Monday 17 September at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve Athletics Track.
Please also note that we will be running javelin trials for all age groups. Please ensure you register your interest using the link below and then attend the correct trial session.
12 & 13 years, 14 years, 15 years– Friday 3 August
16 years, 17 years and Open – Thursday 2 August
Contact me for further information.
Ms Ilana Parker
Carnivals Coordinator
Success at quarter finals
Netball, Australian Rules football and soccer teams experienced success in recent final competitions. The teams were:
- Year 7 netball
- Year 8 netball
- Intermediate netball
- Senior netball
- Year 7 & 8 (Junior) Australian Rules football-
- Year 9 & 10 (Intermediate) Australian Rules football
- Intermediate soccer
Teams in all sports made it through to the next level of finals. We wish them well for their next encounter and hope to be sharing news of more MGSC success soon.
Mr Phil Hull
Interschool Sport Coordinator