College Matters

2018 Parent survey
The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement.
We have sent it to a sample of randomly selected parents. Thank you to those parents who have already completed it. For those of you who are yet to do so, the survey closes on Sunday 26 August.
The survey results will be reported back to the school at the end of September and will be presented at School Council. We will use the results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
Please contact Bronwyn Moline if you would like more information.
Many of our students wear their uniform with pride, but it is timely to remind all students that they are expected to wear their uniform correctly. The blazer is a compulsory item and must be worn to and from school and to college assemblies. The sports jacket is not to be worn with the winter uniform. Non-uniform items may be confiscated for up to two weeks. For details about the uniform please refer to the student record book/diary.
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews
VCE interviews - Wednesday 15 August 2pm to 6pm.
Classes finish at lunchtmie.
Year 7-10 interviews – Tuesday 28 August 1.30pm to 5pm & 6pm to 8pm
No classes on this day
Interview booking information will be posted on Compass soon.
Unsafe behaviour at Mentone station
It is sad to receive reports that some of our students continue to risk their safety at Mentone Station. The College continues to receive telephone calls from concerned members of our community, stating our students have been seen crossing the railway tracks when the gates are down and trains are at the station.The matter has been referred to Public Transport Victoria, requesting they monitor the situation and fine students who choose not to follow public transport rules.
Host family needed
Angele, an exchange student from France, is seeking a host family while she is here at MGSC.
Please contact AFS if you are interested and able to assist. Information is below.
Winter skirt to winning shawl
Annette Fitton, one of our volunteers in the PFA run secondhand uniform shop, knitted a shawl from threads pulled from an unsaleable MGSC winter skirt. It was awarded first prize, rosette and a special Most Innovative Entry trophy in the Woolcraft section of the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo recently. Congratulations to Annette for this great creativity and resourcefulness.
Ms Carol Duggan & Ms Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals