Our School Community on Remote Learning

We invited our school community to contribute creative pieces representing their experiences of Remote Learning. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Hello, here is one first year Mathematics teacher’s thoughts on Remote Teaching and Learning in just under 300 words...
Teaching and learning remotely is hard for everyone involved. Yet, we are doing it, we are all doing it. Together, we have discovered what we are capable of. That is amazing. Be proud of your efforts!
As teachers, we want to maintain the crucial experience of guiding our students through the material and students are similarly seeking that guidance. Doing this remotely has been a huge hurdle to overcome and I am proud of how adaptive everyone has been. Teachers have found new ways to teach and made tough decisions about which content to keep and which can wait; ensuring that as long as students have a go, they will be able to succeed both now and into the future. Students have also been adaptive, using new platforms, learning how to learn for themselves, learning how to ask questions and most importantly, knowing that it is OK to ask for help.
Let's all take a minute to appreciate ourselves and our efforts, because what we have done together is simply astounding.
Finally, there has been so much discussion on the negative impacts of this situation, so I would like to close by briefly reminding us of some positives that a term of remote teaching and learning will have on schooling.
· We will all realise what we are truly capable of.
· Teachers will gain new skills and ways to connect with and engage their students.
· Students will gain independent study skills that are VITAL for success in life.
We are not at the end yet, but I am confident that we will all get through this term stronger than ever.
- Mr Tim Darby
This year when we got our Year 12 jumpers my friends and I had so much in mind, from swimming carnival to formal and even dress up days. What we hadn’t pictured was probably COVID 19 getting in the way of Year 12 and missing out on Term 2 with our friends. As if that wasn’t enough, we had to learn how to do online schooling, which honestly was a first for all of us. The hardest part was to differentiate when to study and when to not study. School and personal hours became so blurred I often found myself studying when I usually wouldn’t be. It may not sound like a bad thing, but it did start impacting a lot of things, suddenly studying became a torturous chore. So, I created a timetable that helped me differentiate my time and also allow me time to myself. With the help of our lovely teachers at BHHS we have access to so many resources in which we are able to access both academic and wellbeing help. These are unprecedented times, but I’m so glad and fortunate for the support of everyone around me.
- Ruchira Dhavan, 12B
Before learning from home, I never really had time to read, because I had to walk to school and back which took a long time, and after school I had sports on most days. So the fact that school is now from home is really helping me read more! I am really grateful that I can read more because if I didn’t, I would be bored out of my mind!
- Tara, 7D
Isolation is hard, yeah? But nevertheless, we need to stay strong...and lonely according to the government. There are so many things to do like: homework, reading, watching movies, sport, cooking, eating, anything productive, and online shopping. Umm, scratch that. Anyway, school (for me) has been difficult and I just wanted to let Box Hill High School know that we can get through this together and there are people that you can talk to! For real though, there are many things you can do, and that’s why I have a challenge for you: before quarantine ends, take up a new hobby and perfect your skills! Hope you’re all okay and coping well, have fun practising a new hobby!
- Yulia Xu, 7E
Art Club from Home
Our Art Club members have continued sharing work and tips during Term 2, via their TEAMS group. See below for some of their work.
Gau Nguyen 9D has used his time during isolation, to design and make a very impressive Lego crane. He’s waiting for shops to open to buy a few added pieces and then he’s going to make it remote control.
Nevin from Year 11, sent us this meme to let us know that he is a fan of Mr Innes' innovations for teaching Maths Methods during Remote Learning.
- Nevin Kabirdas, 11C
As an expression of life during 'Lockdown' and Remote Learning, Chloe Ong from Year 9, shared some impressive 'fan art' that she created for a friend’s birthday that couldn’t be celebrated face-to-face.
- Chloe Ong, 9D
Anouk Harpur from Year 9, sent us some photos to represent a snapshot of two aspects of life since Remote Learning began.
- Anouk Harpur, 9D
Taj Fox from Year 7, contributed this meme about his experience of Remote Learning.
- Taj Fox, 7A
Nate Thomas from Year 7, shared this photo to demonstrate how some classes, with their teachers' approval, are having some fun while connecting with each other online.
- Nate Thomas, 7Z
Maddi Gill of Year 7, contributed a series of memes which communicate the main themes of the Remote Learning and Covid-19 restrictions for her.
- Maddi Gill, 7F
Eduardas Bimba has been busy crafting during his down time. He made this (very cute) felt owl.
- Eduardas Bimba, 7Z
Changes I have seen throughout Covid-19
I have seen so many changes throughout this time. I have seen so many more people getting out and about. People have been getting outside, getting more fresh air and physical exercise. People of all ages are getting outside and getting exercise. The amount of people outside now compared to a few months ago is crazy. Everyone wants to get outside and get fresh air. People are getting exercise by riding, walking, running and more. People of all ages are getting outside, having fun and exercising. There are families spending time with each other and people getting outside.
- Year 8 Student