Domains at Home

Music at Home
Together with our Instrumental Music team, we put together this video ahead of students returning to school on-site. A simple message and a 2019 highlights package at the end as a reminder of what life in the music department was like.
Keep practising and Don't Stop the Music!
- Mr Troy Rogers,
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Visual Arts at Home
I would like to congratulate all the Visual Arts students who are doing what they can to continue to create art at home, without all of the resources from school. I would also like to thank my fellow Visual Arts teachers for all the efforts they continue to make to deliver visual art education to our students remotely. It has been challenging time for us all and still we see many examples of our students’ creativity shining through.
Here are some examples from both of the Year 9 Photography classes. For the past two weeks, students have been responding to a topic for a weekly photography challenge. The topic for these examples was 'I See Red'.
- Mr James Taylor
Arts Domain Leader
Science at Home
Practical Science – Isolation Special!
As you can imagine, losing the ability to do experiments in class has been tough for Science teachers, and disappointing for the students! But, as you will see, the creativity and innovation has reached new levels! A big shout out to our amazing Science teachers at BHHS who have successfully brought the laboratory into the homes of students during these tough times. And not to mention, some of the amazing work our students are doing in the name of Science!
Year 7 Science
Ayannah Singh, from 7H, has given us permission to share her experiment. Her aim was to create a marble roller coaster using materials available at home that will last 20 seconds as the marble goes on the roller coaster. This whole experiment was to enhance and get a clearer understanding of force and how it works with everyday materials. Watch video here. Password = BHHS1920
Year 10 Science
With pizza-Pisa in mind, the task set the year 10 science students is to make a time capture device using the two methods used 400years BC (Before Computers) by the bored physicist Galileo. The task - to make a pendulum with a ONE second swing and check the accuracy by pulse rate monitoring.
- Ms Dianne Wilkinson
Year 11 Physics
As we were moving from Electricity to Thermal Physics, it was a great opportunity to get students to investigate the efficiency of their electric kettle! Students boiled different amounts of water,
timed how long it took to boil, and used their knowledge of Electricity and Thermal Physics to calculate the efficiency of their very own kettle.
- Mr Lachlan Tantau
Science Domain Leader
English at Home
This term students and teachers alike have been adapting to English at Home – with teachers using technology to create interactive resources for students, everyone completing weekly class check-ins that still enable for a fun Kahoot quiz, and getting inventive with the types of products students can create to demonstrate their developing English skills. Here are just a few of the ways that we have adapted to Remote Learning in the English Domain.
Year 7
In Year 7, students are working on relating to different ideas, characters and emotions. In one activity, they listen to instrumental music and then describe the song in one word. They can’t use value judgement words, and instead have to think about the feeling or tone that it expresses to them. In another, they are being invited to create audio/video texts of passage readings from some of their favourite books, followed by an explanation of why they relate to/enjoy the passage so much. With these examples and many others, their teachers have been making sure that they are given opportunities to relate new concepts and ideas to themselves and their interests, as a big part of the English experience is relating to and sharing ideas with others.
Year 8
In Year 8, we have been doing a reading unit. Students have been developing the skills of predicting, close reading, inferential reading, and sequencing. However, our veracious readers have not stopped at analysing our novel ‘The Whole Business with Kiffo and the Pitbull’ in Week 3 alone, 8ENSz were reading an array of novels including The Broken Stars, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, And Then There Were None, Malcom Turnbull’s new memoir, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Atomic Habits and a whole lot more!
Year 9
In Year 9, students have been doing some reflective writing before transitioning into a film study. They were given the opportunity to combine these two areas by constructing their very own ‘Movie of my Life’ posters! We’ve included an example by Maneesha Karunasagara in the photos below. Thanks Maneesha!
Year 10
In Year 10, students got creative with their assessment task – having to plan, research and create their very own podcasts! The Year 10 podcasting unit was designed to give students a chance to hone their listening and speaking skills in a way that meets the changing expectations of the delivery of spoken content in contemporary society.
Our Year 10 students took on the challenging task of producing a podcast in the remote learning environment remarkably well. The Year 10 English teachers have spent the last week listening to some incredibly well-produced podcasts where students have dissected issues around TikTok, Fast Fashion, Anime, the shortened NBA season, COVID Conspiracy Theories, Disney versus the original Grimm fairy tales, Tech updates… the topic were so varied, showcasing the diverse knowledge of our student base.
Have a listen to the link for Quarantine Episode 1: BTS and One Direction, two groups who have achieved mega stardom and inspired huge and dedicated fandoms - a podcast produced by Ming Rernglertpricha and Ella Williams.
- Ms Alicia Lee-Arnold
English Domain Leader