Junior Team update
Welcome back to all our Junior School students and parents to what has been a very different looking start to Term 2! This period of remote and flexible learning has required everyone to incorporate significant changes into their lives and we are incredibly proud of just how well our students have adapted to online learning. Their patience, resilience and willingness to try to new things has been exceptional and the Junior Team would like to thank all our students for doing their absolute best to actively participate in their classes.
During this unprecedented time, the wellbeing of our students is of the most importance. We encourage students to reach out to their teachers, Year Level Coordinators, Engagement Leaders and the Wellbeing Team if they need assistance. Both the Junior Team and Wellbeing Team have released several resources (linked in this newsletter) to help students during this time to navigate online platforms, to manage stress and to manage their time.
Unfortunately, many of our planned activities have had to be cancelled or postponed, we are looking forward to planning for a range of new and engaging activities that students can be involved in upon our return to school. Please continue to monitor our Compass Newsfeed for updates from the Junior School and we ask that students to continue connecting on Teams to engage with their teachers and peers.
While the date for returning to the school campus is not confirmed, we encourage all our students to continue to connect with the school community through their classes, school competitions and updates from the Junior Team. We are missing you, and look forward to seeing you when it is time to return to school, but until then, please make sure that you are keeping safe, looking after yourself and keeping a positive mindset!
- Ms Emily Wilkinson and Mr Ryan McGlade
On behalf of the Junior School Engagement Team
Junior School Trick Shots Competition
Password: BHHSts2020
Virtual Junior School Assembly
Password: BHHSjnr2020
- Ms Emily Wilkinson and Mr Ryan McGlade
On behalf of the Junior School Engagement Team