
VCE & Beyond
A unique virtual careers experience for students, parents & schools that provides much-needed resources to help shape academic success, course and career choices.
- Live chat with over 50 universities, TAFE & education providers
- Hear the latest from VTAC & Tertiary Information Service (TIS)
- Watch live stream and on-demand sessions on a range of topics including scholarships, early entry and campus life
- Download free academic resources
Free registration at
Open June 17-21 with live chat and live sessions 4-8pm WED & THU and 10am-2pm SAT & SUN
La Trobe University
VET, Apprenticeship and Traineeship Resources
Have you considered vocational education and training (VET)?
Research shows that 4/5 parents would prefer their child to go to university after school over vocational education and that many young people and parents don’t understand the benefits of vocational education and training (eg, TAFE, apprenticeships, traineeships). 2017 Australian research suggests that:
• 9 out of the 10 top occupations predicted to have the most jobs growth are in vocational training areas.
• Nearly eight in 10 vocational education graduates have a job soon after training, vs about seven in 10 university graduates; and
• More than nine in 10 trade apprentices have jobs after finishing training.
For more information go to:
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
You will be able to undertake apprenticeship aptitude tests, find local apprenticeship and group training centres, and learn about different trade occupations,
Steps to finding an Apprenticeship or Traineeship
Australian Apprenticeships Pathways has developed a fantastic 4-step process for students to follow when seeking an apprenticeship or traineeship,
My Skills
You can search for and explore vocational courses across Australia, learn about in demand jobs and watch videos of young people who have completed vocational training,
Digital Apprenticeship Program (Year 12)
This program is for students finishing year 12 at the end of the year. You’ll get to work with digital technologies and solve problems for things that matter. No degree necessary, you just need to be interested in digital tech and solving problems. If you enjoy pulling apart or building PCs, setting up home networks, building apps, finding trends in data or simply problem solving and making things simple, then you should consider applying.
Applicants must be Australian citizens, and must have completed Year 12 (or equivalent, for example any Cert III or higher) or be able to complete it by January 2021.
Applications CLOSE 29th June. For more info go to:
Positions available for 2021 Agricultural Mechanical Apprenticeships (Year 11 & 12)
Our Hutcheon & Pearce TOPGUN apprenticeship program could give you the start you’re looking for. Each year from the TOPGUN apprenticeship program, Hutcheon & Pearce employs at least 12 new apprentices into the High Performance Academy (HPA) across all Branches throughout the organisation. We have a couple of career options:-
- Apprentice Service Technician
- Parts Sales Representative Trainee
For more information:
Applications CLOSE 6th Sept 2020
University Course Guides and Resources
Information on every University in Australia can be found on our Careers Website -
Go to "Post School Options" >> "University" >> "Info. About Uni's and Courses" and click on a logo to get information on that institution including: a link to their website, scholarships, early entry schemes, alternate entry schemes, application information, adjustment factors and course guides. This is a great resource for students researching tertiary study.
Careers in Maths
The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) suggests that moving further into the 21st century, maths will become the solution for those wanting to make a real difference in our world.
Qualifications in Mathematics and Statistics offers endless career opportunities across all industry sectors, and the AMSI offers an excellent feature on its website where students can browse the various industries and learn more about where in those sectors mathematics and statistics are required.
Click on Search Careers and browse OR click on Maths Career Videos and watch the videos -
Succeed is an e-booklet issued by the Australian Government that will take students through career options provide a sneak peek into where Vocational Education & Training (VET) can take you.
Beacon Foundation
Beacon is launching a new set of 12 FREE online learning programs, Be@Connected, streamed on YouTube. Be@Connected will feature a range of prominent and inspiring speakers from a variety of fields covering topics including communication, resilience, wellbeing, problem solving and adaptability. Simply subscribe to the YouTube channel and join us!