Achievements & Results

Sports News | Term 1


Whole School Swimming Carnival

The school year started off with a splash once again with the annual swimming carnival held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on the 5th of February. Thankfully the weather was warm and pleasant, making the day more enjoyable.


It was great to see everyone getting involved from the beginning of the day until the end, whether it was participating in the swimming events itself, or dressing up and cheering from the stands. The costumes progressively get more creative, and this year ­­­Blackwood was the ‘Best Dressed’ house. The house spirit and level of enthusiasm also grew, with the house leaders finding that the amount of participation this year increased as there were less empty lanes compared to last year. The novelty events were held halfway during the day and this provided students that didn’t participate in the main swimming events, the opportunity to be in the water. The dodgeball competition was also held throughout the day providing an opportunity for students to participate and gain house points.  


There was no doubt that the rivalry between the houses this year, which of course was friendly, was stronger than ever with the aim being to overthrow Kororoit. However, the houses found themselves to be unsuccessful as Kororoit won again, making it their ninth consecutive year to take the title of champions. Congratulations to Shernane C and Matt K, the Kororoit house captains.


Well done to all the houses and their leaders for the hard work and effort put into the swimming carnival, the spirit that was maintained throughout the day made it very enjoyable for everyone. We look forward to what the 2020 swimming carnival holds, and whether Kororoit will be able to keep their streak.


Whole School Athletics Carnival

Athletics Day! It was fun, it was smooth and there were high spirits all around. It was great seeing so many of the students on their feet and being active. Whether it was the 100m event or taking photos or even walking around cheering for friends. Athletics Carnival is all about getting active, participating, interacting with others and most importantly having fun.


This year’s annual Athletics Carnival was held at Vic Uni Athletics Track on the 27th of February. The day was hot and sunny, however each house undoubtedly put their all into the day, regardless of the weather. The house competition was intense as always with, unfortunately, Kororoit obtaining a first in the second major event this year by a close 68 points. Many houses stepped up their game this year with only a few lanes empty, as we all know participation is the major factor to winning these house competitions. Hopefully next year there will be an upset to make things a little more interesting, who knows.


A huge acknowledgement to the staff team and the students helping out throughout the day. Many people were involved in the process and this year's athletics was exceptional in regards to how well it ran. Due to the efforts Miss Breed coordinating, the staff and students this day was able to happened. As School Sport Captain I hope that next year’s major sporting events will also be as successful.


Jordan N & Vinoli F (SCHS Sports Captains)



Intra-School Sport

The intra-school sport program is back and is in full swing in 2019. This year we have seen the continuation of house sport into year 10. The house spirit is in full display when sport is on, it is so great to see students showing leadership and ensuring everyone is involved in the teams. Term 1 has offered Netball, Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball and Cricket.  Both the year 9 and 10 competitions are very close with few points separating each house in fact the year 9 competition is on level pegging with 8 points each. I hope the competition stays close all year.


This year we have also started a VCE house basketball competition that plays on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes. The competition is run by the two whole school Sport Captains Jordan and Vinoli. A great initiative by these two captains, well done.


Intermediate Baseball

This year’s intermediate baseball team has been extremely hard to select, with a large number of students trialling and an impressive depth of talent. Brilliantly led by captain Tyler, the team played in its first round tournament on Friday, February 15th and scored two huge wins, 20-0 and 25-2, behind stellar pitching from Tyler and Karan. The hitters from Good News Lutheran were allegedly unable to even see Tyler’s fastball go by. Highlights included back-to-back-to-back inside-the-park home runs from Karan, Tyler and Oscar in the first inning of the first game, and about ten steals of home during the day. The students excelled at baserunning and stealing, helping themselves to a record haul of extra bases. The time taken by the students in learning the game’s tricky rules paid off, with many of our hitters reaching first after dropped strike threes and carefully avoiding pick-offs on base.

Oscar was masterful behind the plate, adeptly handling Tyler and Karan’s array of pitches. Nehchal and Joel worked together to cover second and shortstop, with Nehchal’s constant calling and directions invaluable to the team. Girish made some sharp plays to record outs at second. Clever leadoff hitter Raheeq consistently stole around the diamond before the opposition had realised he had bolted from first, and in the field ably held down third, alternating at the hot corner with Jay. Yuvi and Sandeepa showcased their cricket experience with excellent work in right and left field, backing up their requisite infielders and gloving fly balls, and Ishan controlled the outfield from centre. Malachy, T.J. and Shawn contributed at the plate and helped out in the field, and Rudraksh was very excited to get on base and try an inning in right field. Varad smashed a monster hit far into the outfield, effortlessly coming round to score before the ball could be returned.

The umpire, a former pro ball player, praised our team for being “very organised”. All of the students pitched in during the day, supported each other and were a great help on the bench, recording pitch counts and retrieving foul balls. Thank you also to Tyler’s dad for coming along to help out and lend his vast expertise. The competition at the next round will be fearsome, but the keen players have proven themselves dedicated and hardworking trainers.


Ms. Rachel Fenby (Baseball Teams Manager)


Intermediate Girls Softball

On February 15th our intermediate girls softball team played a best of 3 series against Good News Lutheran College.  Our team had a great day and laughed their way through the 3 games. Although we only won 1 innings out of the 3 games the girls improved over the duration of the day.  Well done to Nadine who pitched all day and to Jemma who took on the captain role. The team is now keen to continue training to go one better next year and make the second round of competition.

Boys Cricket

We have had a great start to the year in the intermediate and senior boys cricket.  Both teams competed in the Wyndham region competition and were successful in making the finals.  Our intermediate boys have progressed to the Western Metro region competition in October and our Senior boys need to play against Tarneit on Friday March 1st to secure a position at the WMR level.  The selection process was a tough one for the coaches with so much cricket talent and interest at SCHS. The selected teams have been training hard and will certainly give their best to try and make the state competition this year after narrowly missing out in 2018. We wish them luck as they continue their cricketing journey.


Intermediate Girls Cricket

The Intermediate Girls Cricket team beat Good News Lutheran College by 27 runs.  Played at Goddard Reserve in Tarneit, Suzanne Cory batted first and made 2/81 from 13 overs. Harjot scored 38 not out with 7 boundaries. She was supported by Mehak with 21. In their first innings Good News scored 3/56 from 13 overs. Joeline took 2/2.


In the second innings bowling and fielding from both teams improved.  Suzanne Cory scored 3/56 from 12 overs with Joeline leading with 25 runs well supported by Mehak with 15.  Good News finished with 7/54 from their 12 overs. It was a great team effort in the field, with lots of catches being taken and wickets shared around - Joeline 2/2 again, Mehak 3/24 and Esha 2/14. It was a match played in great spirits with wonderful displays of sportsmanship from both sides.  The standard of cricket played was very high and everyone enjoyed the game.

Wyndham Swimming

On February 26th 42 students swam at the Wyndham region event at the Werribee pool.  We had students in every event and dominated the competition. Our students now have their sights set on the WMR meet in Geelong on April 4th. A big thanks to Ms Guastella and Mr Mott for going to the event.  

Chess Club | Term 1

Fifteen members of the SCHS Chess Team participated in the first 2019 State Qualifier on the 7th of March, and what an impression they made. For a start, 12 out of the 15 members qualified to play at the Victorian State Finals, with Hazel D’S, our new Year 9 member, qualifying to two State Final categories, the State Finals Open, and the State Finals Girls.


Our team was the third best in this tournament, with a difference of two and a half points between us and the team of the tournament. On individual level, our students received the following awards:


-          Year 10 Gold Medal: Malachy P

-          Year 9 Silver Medal: Hazel D’S

-          Year 11 Bronze Medal: Kisara P

-          Year 11 Bronze Medal: Vaibhav J


Lastly, at the end of the tournament, I congratulated our team for their amazing achievement, and their response was: “Well… we are just warming up!”


Mr. Isaac Ryan (Chess Co-Curricular Coordinator)