So much has been happening!!

Principal's Report
Well, hasn’t 2018 gone by like a whirlwind?! We’ve had a wonderful year with much to celebrate.
I hope everyone has noted our wonderful HSC results. It’s not every year we get a student who makes the HSC All Rounders List, but this year Olivia Perkins has been listed with Band 6's (the highest Band in the HSC) in all her subjects and a 4th in State for Aboriginal Studies. An outstanding result and well deserved. Yet she was not the only student to excel, with 5 other students achieving Band 6's and many more Band 5 being awarded. I congratulate all our Year 12 students who can look back and be proud that they did their best.
Last Friday we held our annual awards assembly. There are many photos in this Newsletter and too many award recipients to acknowledge all individually, but I do congratulate all. It was a great celebration.
We also farewell three long term members of staff:
Mr Paul Bullock retires this year after 20 years of dedication to the students of Cowra and 38 years of service to the students of NSW. A great deal has been said about the achievements over the last few weeks, so I won’t try to cover them all again. The whole school will miss him and we wish him and Mary all the very best for the next stage in their lives.
After 11 years Ms Kerrie O’Dea has decided to return to Sydney. Over my time here at Cowra High I have seen the Creative and Performing Arts grow under the leadership of Ms O’Dea. She has coordinated multiple combined schools’ Education Week Extravaganzas and countless Nights of Music, Drama and Dance. Students will miss her knowledge and passion for music and I will miss her steady hand on all things creative. I know she will enjoy being close to her children again and we wish her all the best in her new school.
Mrs Rachel Elwin will be moving to Griffith to be with her family. She has been part of Cowra High for many years, and has made a significant difference to the education of students in both English and Drama. Her passion for her students has driven everything she has done, this was exemplified when she volunteered to take over the current Year 11 students as their Year Advisor. Cowra’s loss is very much Griffith’s gain. All the best Mrs Elwin.
I wish everyone a peaceful and joyous Christmas.
Until 2019, have a great holiday.
Charles Gauci
Fantastic HSC results
We would like to congratulate our extremely successful HSC students who have achieved twelve Band 6 (a mark between 90-100) across eleven subjects including Aboriginal Studies, Business Studies, Food Technology, PDHPE, Visual Arts, Ancient History, Advanced English, English Extension 1, Modern History, History Extension and Dance.
We wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.
2019 Captain's Induction
Wednesday 5 December saw the induction of the 2019 Captains and Prefects before their parents and the school community.
Captains for 2019 are Erika Sullivan and Sam Long and they will supported by Vice Captains Victoria King, Noah Ryan and Lochie Wilson. Prefects will be Maegan Carroll, Lucy Sutherland, Jakob Walker and Marcus O'Connor.
After the assembly the students joined their parents and families and staff for a lovely morning tea provided by Year 11 Hospitality.
Dates to remember for 2019!
Tuesday 29 January - Staff Development Day
Wednesday 30 January - Years 7, 11 and 12 return
Thursday 31 January - Years 8, 9 and 10 return
PBL Winners
Congratulations to our wonderful students who have been rewarded for their respectful and responsible behaviour.
A big congratulations to Mason Graham who was the winner of the end of year PBL Draw. Mason was the lucky winner of a laptop computer.
We would like to thank our PBL sponsors: Mr Embroidery Cowra, Bushman's Boots and All Cowra, Subway Cowra, Domino's Pizza, Sportspower Cowra and McDonald's Cowra. Your ongoing support is fantastic and our students really appreciate it!
2018 Constitutional Convention
Sam Long was selected to participate in the 2018 Constitutional Convention. This one-day convention was part of a national program for Year 11 students to consider issues relating to the Australian Constitution. Sam spent the day debating Section 44 of the constitution, drilling down into whether it was fit for purpose in a modern country. Sam listened to the keynote address and then participated in small group discussions on this issue. Participants were then able to vote in a referendum on the issues discussed.
Year 12 Artworks
The opening of the annual UpstART student exhibition was on Saturday November 24 at Cowra Regional Gallery. The 2018 UpstART exhibition included an impressive showcase of painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, mixed media and sculpture by over 80 students in Years 10, 11 and 12 from nine High Schools in the region. This was the first opportunity to see the major artworks of our 5 Year 12 students of 2018, Shania Ambachtsheer, Tasmin Bohman, Courtney Chambers, Jemima Sullivan and Georgia Lewis. The exhibition was on show until December 9.
The judge, Mary Brice, curator, educator and artist from Newcastle, selected two of Miss Vaughan’s students as winners!:
Bella Pangas, “Pattern Interpretation”, Year 10 photography
Georgia Lewis, “The Water Alters Me and I Alter the Water”, Year 12 painting (a stunning artwork!)
Thanks to the mayor and presenter, local council and gallery management, who continue to encourage and support Visual Arts students.