Thanks #giveback

Denilyn Mariano Year 10 - Mixed Media on Paper 2018

Supporting those less fortunate

A big THANK YOU to all the Cecil families and staff who have donated so generously to our Christmas Drive run by our Year 9 students.


The toiletries and other goods you have donated will be very welcomed by the families who will receive them at a time when they may be struggling and everyone else is celebrating. 


Andrew Paech from Westcare (  who will be distributing the donations complimented our school on what he described as a "well presented and effective" Christmas Drive.


Our bags are  greatly appreciated as Westcare's  hamper packing begins in earnest next week as they distribute food, and and many items such as ours to those that need them. Thank again. #giveback


J Green and C Marks, Year 9 Advisers