Year Five

The Highlights

Together with our Year 5 students we have been establishing classroom routines, expectations and roles. We have a number of our students undertaking roles and responsibilities within the classroom and within the school.


At the beginning of the school year we took the time to learn about each other during group work and we articulated the skills required to successfully work as a team: having roles, speaking respectfully and encouraging each other.


There are multiple jobs in Year 5 that we can apply for. They are; Peer Support, Gate Monitors, Bin Monitors, Class Captain, PMP and many more. The Captain Roles alongside our School Captains are; SRC and House Captains for Beachley, Rafter, Evans, and Jackson House. Being selected for a job or captain/representative is a very important role with lots of responsibilities but is very fun to have.

By Karez and Evan


We are lucky to have established our very own Classroom Library. Our students have developed the skills in finding their ‘Just Right Books’, using their Reader’s Notebook and organising their book boxes. Our knowledge of genres has grown through our reading of Autobiographies like ‘The Littlest refugee’, Historical Fiction like ‘Sorry Day’ and graphic novels like ‘Smile’.


As we start Year 5 one of the most important subjects is Literacy. In Literacy we learn reading, writing and spelling. We have learnt about phonemes and we have written narratives and letters to the editor.

By Carmel and Sasha


Our mathematical skills have developed across place value to the millions and decimals to thousandths. We have demonstrated our skills in converting time between 12 hour and 24 hour and we have created three-dimensional objects based on their properties.

Maths has been really fun this term. We’ve done time, decimals and shapes. We’ve enjoyed shapes the most because we got to do a lot of hands on things, especially building our chosen 3D shape with matchsticks.  In general, we think we’ve all learned new things, and we look forward to learning more new things next term.

By Armani and Jun


Our Inquiry and learning about ‘The Right Stuff’, lifted the focus to Australian Citizenship and our rights, responsibilities and privileges. We identified the values important to us and we interviewed our parent community to understand the values important to them.

On the 19th of February, we invited our parents and friends to come into our Inquiry session and we asked them to explain the three values most important to them as a Lakes community member. After we got everyone’s opinion, we found that the two most common values were Respect and Honesty. We thanked our guests for coming.

By Tah’Lia and Samantha




5/6 School Sport

This year the year 5 and 6 students are competing with other schools in Soccer, Cricket and European Handball. The cricket team has unfortunately lost all their games so far, but they’re trying their best. In Handball, the girls and boys’ teams have both won one game each. In soccer, the girls lost two and drew one. The boys lost two and won one! YAY!  We’ve had an awesome time competing against other schools in our district.

By Madelyn and Dona


This term during 5/6 sport, we have learnt many sports including Netball, Football and T-ball. During Netball we learnt how to pass and shoot and all the positions and rules. I have had lots of fun playing with all my friends and the Year 6s.

By Lidia


We are looking forward to Term 2!