Year Three
Student Reflections on Maths
In Maths I enjoyed when we used the number line and the math app on our iPad because it inspired me to use all of the strategies to help me learn place value and addition.
Tristan C
"In Maths I liked using the number on the iPad because I understood addition problems better." Lachlan H
"In Maths I like when we did addition because we did different strategies to what we did in Year 2."
Bella P
"In Maths I liked how we could do the counting on strategy and learning about bigger numbers because you get more higher numbers to what we did in Year 2."
Millie D
"In Maths I learnt addition and odd and even numbers and time. I liked learning about these because I like to learn and it was fun."
"My favourite thing about Maths is learning about Addition and Place Value and I loved learning about place value because you learn about the tens and ones and it is really fun."
"In Maths I liked learning about addition and I also liked problem solving. My favourite part about maths is learning about subtraction because its fun to count back then to count forward."
"In Maths I liked expanding place value numbers and addition because it was fun to learn it."