Class News

A Letter of Thanks

Selecting a school for your child is one of the most vital decisions a parent will make. By entrusting the responsibility of your precious cargo to that school, you are placing faith that it will nurture and protect your little one, to grow into a happy and thriving bigger person.


St James Primary has certainly been that for our daughter Holly, who joined Foundation at the beginning of this year.  We have observed the dedication, love and care of the incredible staff of this school, which enables every student to experience success and to discover who they are.  It is a community where our Holly has a strong sense of identity and is proud to belong to.


In 1982, I began my own school journey, as a Prep at St Christopher’s Primary school, in Airport West. My teacher in that first year, Miss Looby, would go on to inspire me in ways that I could not have realized at the time, and still impact me today. She provided me with the foundations of reading and writing (I am a literacy teacher today) and the love of drama through her early morning performing arts sessions (okay, my acting, singing and dancing is disgraceful, but the sentiment remains). I often look back with gratitude for the influence of her teaching on my life.  For our daughter and her classmates in Foundation, I am sure that they will view Mrs Busch with that same admiration and reverence as my Ms Looby, as they begin to apply their skills, grow and reflect.


May I take this opportunity to thank Mrs Busch for her boundless energy, passion, charm, warmth and skill. Congratulations to this wonderful role model and all her amazing colleagues for helping to shape the lives of our young and impressionable children and for the impact that we will realise over time.


Mat Lyons

Mrs Busch 2019
Miss Looby 1982
Mrs Busch 2019
Miss Looby 1982

St James Book Drive for Fiji Kids

Dear Parents,

The response to our first St James Book Drive for Fiji Kids has been an overwhelming success.

A huge thank you to all those who donated books.  Your support with this initiative is very much appreciated.  

Imagine the smiles of excitement on the beautiful faces of the children who will be fortunate enough to read these fabulous books.

Together we will certainly make a difference to the less privileged children of Fiji.

Our sincere thanks once again.


Candice Murray-Beckman and Antoinette Ferrari