Faith & Wellbeing


Social and Emotional Learning at St James

At St James teaching our students social and emotional learning skills is of a high importance. A substantial body of research shows that well informed Social Emotional Learning programs in schools;

Improve social behaviour

Improve mental health

Improve academic performance


To begin next year, St James has been accepted into the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program. Respectful Relationships is an initiative to support schools and early childhood education settings promote and model respect and equality. It also supports educators to teach our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.

St James will be taking the whole-school approach to Respectful Relationships which goes beyond curriculum, recognising that to drive real change, classroom learning needs to be reinforced by what is modelled within the school community.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) will occur for at least one hour of every week during scheduled class time as well as each morning upon arrival. Of course, SEL will also be a part of our community in many other ways including leadership, professional learning, school culture and environment. A team of six has come on board to ensure this program will continue to build on the positive relationships of our school that team includes; Mr Brendan Flanagan, Ms Carmelina C, Mrs Emma H, Ms Karlee A, Mrs Michelle T (parent representative) and myself.


I am very excited about this new program which will support our Berry Street SEL that has already been in place for the last 2-3 years. 


Celebrating Kindness at St James

As you may recall in my last newsletter we were celebrating kindness at St James, the students and staff did such a fabulous job we have continued on with our “Caught being Kind” and have added to it this week with a “tree of gratitude”. At this time of year in the busyness of our lives it can be difficult just to stop and be grateful for all of the wonderful things that we have. Big or small we are very fortunate and it is important to recognise this. 


Student Counsellor

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to Kate Richardson, who has been our student counsellor for the past year and wish her every success for her future.

Next year we welcome a new Counsellor to St James.  Romy Engelbrecht is a provisional psychologist completing her final year of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Psychology at Swinburne University. She has previously completed placements in mental health and community clinics, and worked as a music therapist in special education, child grief and loss, and palliative care. Romy is excited to spend 2020 with you at St James Catholic Primary School!


Thank- you!


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Student Wellbeing Leader



As we begin the countdown to the end of the school year, we enter the time of Advent were we await the coming of Jesus Christ. Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas (or sometimes from the 1st December to Christmas Day!). Advent means 'Coming' in Latin. This is the coming of Jesus into the world. Christians use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas.


There are three meanings of 'coming' that Christians describe in Advent. The first, and most thought of, happened about 2000 years ago when Jesus came into the world as a baby to live as a man and die for us. The second can happen now as Jesus wants to come into our lives now. And the third will happen in the future when Jesus comes back to the world as King and Judge, not a baby.


The students  have been doing a number of activities over the past weeks to build their knowledge and understanding of this time and open their hearts up to the many different traditions both here and around the world.


St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers

Over the past two weeks classes have been bringing in food and presents for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers. A very BIG thank you to all families for the wonderful support as hampers are overflowing.


Last week we handed over the hampers to Lois from St Vincent de Paul to be taken to those families in our community that need our support. We rejoice in knowing that we have been able to be the face of Jesus and bring joy to these families.

Foundation Mass 

The Foundation students attended their class Mass on Sunday 8th of December in the Pop Up Church at 9am. This was a great opportunity for our St James Community to come together with the Parish in the celebration of the Eucharist. 


Year 6  Reflection Day and Confirmation

As reported in the previous newsletter, on Thursday the 14th of November the year sixes had their Confirmation night with Father Brendan Hayes, Father Martin and Father Barry. The sacrament was held at the St Joan of Arc church. It was a great night for all of us and an amazing experience. We would also like to thank our parents for putting on a lunch to celebrate this special event in our faith journey. 


Sacraments for 2020

Please be advised that dates for 2020 sacraments can be found on the parent calendar. You can also find the dates for Class Masses and Prep and 1/2 Faith nights. We encourage all families to attend these events to build and strengthen their child's faith journey through primary school.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Yours in faith,

Emma Herbert

Religious Education Leader


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