School Council News

School Council - Who, What & Why
At Nossal, we enjoy an outstanding educational community that thrives on a partnership between dedicated staff, students and parents. The School Council is one of the environments within the school where all three partners actively communicate. The council members include the school’s leadership and teaching staff, parents and the school captains. Council is where strategic directions for the school are set and numerous decisions regarding the operation of the school are made.
What does this mean for you? Aside from overseeing the affairs of the school and holding its leadership accountable, the School Council provides an opportunity for parents to share their thoughts, insights and concerns about aspects of the school that affect each child’s education. As the School Council President, I invite every parent to ask questions or to share ideas they may have with the School Council.
As a parent of a Year 12 student, I am honoured to be a part of the Nossal community that has served my child (nearly an adult now!) over the past three and a half years. Other parent members on the Council include Ross Mouer (Vice President and proud parent of an exceptional Year 12 student), Jenny Tam (Treasurer and proud parent of not one, but two Nossal students), Bridget Wong (proud parent of a current student and a 2015 Nossal graduate, as well as an active member of the PFA), Danny Wan (proud parent of a Year 11 student) & Shaikh Abid Hasan (a very proud dad of a Year 10 student).
Working with other parents on the School Council has already been a rewarding experience, and I encourage all parents to consider serving on the Council in 2017.
In the meantime, if you would like to contact the School Council on any matter, you can contact myself and the other parent members through
Kyle Hoppitt
School Council President