Suzanne Cory VGen Fairtrade Student Conference
On Thursday September 1 Hayden, Bansari, Andy and I went on behalf of NEST (Nossal Environmental & Sustainability Team) and the SRC's Philanthropy Committee to Suzanne Cory High school to attend their conference on ethical consumerism.
With other students from Suzanne Cory, Macrob and Bayside College, we engaged in discussions and workshops that informed us of the harsh working conditions that people undergo to produce our food and clothes.
One activity in particular was a simulation. In the game we were farmers and we had to fold origami stars that represented cocoa beans. Throughout the game, our cocoa beans were taken from us, and we were often hit with both natural and man-made disasters that impacted our crops significantly. Although we all enjoyed ourselves, we learnt the lesson that there needs to be a change to stop the exploitation and unfair circumstances that occur for our benefit.
We discussed ways we can help and make a difference in our society and we all made a pledge that we would try to buy fair trade products when possible; products that have the Fair Trade label. Families in developing countries are working so hard for foods that they see as luxuries, when they have no food at all. We hope together we made a difference, and we hope you do too by choosing fair trade.
Samantha Choy
Nossal SRC